Chapter 4B

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I'm going to murder my best friend (right after I kiss her on the head). I know exactly what she's up to. I look around at our group and find Walker. He's looking at me nervously, breaking a twig into smaller pieces. I understand the apprehension he's feeling; I feel the same way. Are we really going to play truth or dare with all these people?

I've played this game before. The last time was at a sleepover at my house with the girls, when most of us were still wearing training bras. This is different, though. We have a much bigger, much less innocent audience tonight. And I'm a terrible liar. Worse, I can't turn down a dare. If I say I'll take one, I will.

I tentatively sit down and join in, not wanting to be the only one to bug out.

I take a seat next to Fionn and Cian. Walker's next to Cian, on his other side. At least I have them with me tonight. Siofra sits down next to Fionn and the game begins.

"Who wants to start?" Courtney asks.

"I will," Siofra replies. "Nick, truth or dare?"

Nick raises his eyebrows. I guess he didn't expect to go first.

"Ah, truth." He answers.

"I know," Courtney jumps in, "who was your first crush when you were in high school?"

Nick just stares at her and Siofra. Then he takes in the eager group.

"Emilia Passon" he bursts out. When the girls start to laugh, Brody nudges him in the gut with his elbow.

"Really, Emilia?" Brody laughs. "Why didn't you ever ask her out then?"

Nick plays with the hair on the back of his neck.

"I don't know. I guess I just didn't. Whatever, she moved to Daily anyway, so what's the difference? No big deal. We were just kids back then."

"Nick and Emilia sittin' in the tree..." Archer teases.

"Shut up, Archer. Idiot. What about you, big man? Truth or dare?" Nick asks.

"Hah! Dare man. As in, I dare Ruari to kiss Jenny."

I think I'm going to throw up. I shoot Siofra the look of death and before she can respond, Caoilainn jumps into the conversation.

"That's not how the game works, Archer," she explains, turning in my direction and then, curiously, over to Walker.

Ruari appears a little too eager for my taste. It's like he's chomping at the bit. I picture him slobbering all over me and want to puke.

"If you accept a dare, you have to complete the dare. You can't put it on someone else. Who wants to give Archer a dare, then?" Caoilainn asks.

Archer looks at Caoilainn in protest, "But didn't Siofra just-?" he starts to say.

"I will," Pearl responds, cutting Archer off before he can finish his sentence.

Archer looks at her in surprise.

"What's the dare, Pearl?" he asks, squinting at her suspiciously.

"I dare you to..." Pearl looks around and I know she is trying to think of something good.

"Um..." she stammers. "I dare you to skinny dip in the pond for 10 seconds."

I close my eyes and hang my head. Oh, good grief. Archer's a complete ham who loves showing off his body. He'll be all over this dare. Not surprising anyone, he jumps up, drops his drawers and runs straight into the pond naked as the day he was born.

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