Additional Resources Used to Write This Book / That You May Be Interested In

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*Akmajian, A., Demers, R. A., Farmer, A. K. & Harnish, R. M. (2001). Linguistics: An Introduction to Language and Communication. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. USA.





*For more information about blast injuries to the brain, please visit the following website published by Brainline, an organization dedicated to those impacted by TBI:


*If you or someone you love suffers from the trauma of a sexual assault:



*United States Marines Website:


*Acton News Jax (WJAX-TV/WFOX-TV). (2018). Dogs help sexual assault victims feel safe through recovery. YouTube Website:

*Best Pets. (2017). Women - dogs are better than gun. YouTube Website:

*Bissonnette, V. (2012). Tono Tono. YouTube Website:

*Buffone, B. (2014). Gabrielle Gifford. YouTube Website:

*Clark, C., (2014) Make a Simple Communication Board out of a Cookie Sheet - for Autism, Apraxia, or Aphasia. YouTube Website:

*Cobb, L. (2013). Young Stroke Survivors with Aphasia - Laura. YouTube Website:

*Conklyn, D., Novak, E., Boissy, A., Bethoux, F. & Chemali, K. (2012). The Effects of modified melodic intonation therapy on nonfluent aphasia: A Pilot study. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research: 55: 1463-1471. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.

*Dewald, C. (2009). The Differences between apraxia and aphasia (Aphasia and apraxia: The Same, but different). Reprinted on The Cherab Foundation with permission from Augusta Free Press. Web Search 9 March 2018.

*Eugene Speech Therapy. (2018). Seven Aphasia Cueing Tips. YouTube Website:

*Final Round Training. (2011). Women's Self Defense: Level 1 - Rape Escape. YouTube Website:

*Goldfarb, R.-TEDx Talks. (2016). An Aphasiologist Has a Stroke | Dr. Robert Goldfarb | TEDxAdelphiUniversity. YouTube Website:

*Hampshire, L. J. (2017). Irish baby boy names with pronunciations and meanings. Names from Ireland. YouTube Website:

*Hampshire, L. J. (2017). Irish baby girl names with pronunciations and meanings. Names from Ireland. YouTube Website:

*The Health-and-Fitness. (2016). Difference Between Broca's Area and Wernicke's Area in the Brain. YouTube Website:

*Hurkmans, J., Jonkers, R., de Bruijn, M., Boonstra, A. M., Hartman, P. P., Arendzen, H. & Reinders-Messelink, H. A. (2015). The Effectiveness of speech-music therapy for aphasia (SMTA) in five speakers with apraxia of speech and aphasia. Aphasiology: 29: 8: 939-964.

*Hurley, T. (2010). Young People can have Aphasia ( Broca's) - Jack Hurley. YouTube Website:

*Khanacademymedicine. (2013). Language and the brain: Aphasia and split-brain patients | MCAT | Khan Academy. YouTube Website:

*Kiran, S. & Thompson, C. K. (2003). The Role of semantic complexity in treatment of naming deficits: Training semantic categories in fluent aphasia by controlling exemplar typicality. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research: 46 (4): 773-787. National Institutes of Health Public Access Author Manuscript.

*Lucius, J. (2014). Melodic Intonation Therapy Example. YouTube Website:

*McCall, D., Shelton, J. R., Weinrich, M. & Cox, D. (2000). The utility of computerized visual communication for improving natural language in chronic global aphasia: Implications for approaches to treatment in global aphasia. Aphasiology: 14: 8: 795-826.

*MedRhythms. (2015). Melodic Intonation Therapy - Longer Phrases. YouTube Website:

*Morrow-Odom, K. L. & Swann, A. B. (2013). Effectiveness of melodic intonation therapy in a case of aphasia following right hemisphere stroke. Aphasiology: 27: 11: 1322-1338.

*Mountaintag. (2015). Sixteen-hand reel. Riverdance crew. Web Search 23 January 2020. Website:

*National Aphasia Association. (2013). Patience, Listening and Communicating with Aphasia Patients. YouTube Website:

*Nguyen, M. (2012). Aphasia Speech Therapy (Patient-Michelle,17 yrs old) April '11. YouTube Website:

*Palmerton, S. (2015). Melodic Intonation Therapy. YouTube Website:

*Paulovich, M. (2012). Mark's 22 years-old Stroke: Broca's Aphasia. YouTube Website:

*Searleman, A. (1977). A Review of right hemisphere linguistic capabilities. Psychological Bulletin: 84: 3: 503-528.

*Silkes, JoAnn P. (2012). Seven Strategies for Providing Audiological Services to Adults with Aphasia. The ASHA Leader: 17: 5-6.

*Speech Therapy Practice. (2015). Example Wh- Question Therapy Session - Speech Therapy Practice. YouTube Website:

*SymphUK. (2010). Expressive Aphasia - Sarah Scott - Teenage Stroke Survivor. YouTube Website:

*SymphUK. (2018). Sarah Scott - 9 Years After a Stroke at 18 - Aphasia. YouTube Website:

*SymphUK. (2014). Sarah Scott - Intensive Aphasia Therapy. YouTube Website:

*SymphUK. (2014). Young people with Aphasia - Sarah Scott and Jack Hurley. YouTube Website:

*Tactustherapy. (2017). Broca's Aphasia (Non-Fluent Aphasia). YouTube Website:

*Tactustherapy. (2015). Fluent Aphasia (Wernicke's Aphasia). YouTube Website:

*Tamplin, J., Baker, F. A., Jones, B., Way, A. and Lee, S. (2013). Stroke a chord: The Effect of singing in a community choir on mood and social engagement for people living with aphasia following a stroke. NeuroRehabilitation 32: 929-941.

*Timeline-World History Documentaries. (2018). The Worst Jobs in History: Middle Ages (Medieval Documentary). YouTube:

*Understanding Aphasia. (2014). Aphasia - Imagine life without words. YouTube Website:

*Wortman-Jutt, S. on Ted-ED. (2016). Aphasia: The Disorder that makes you lose your words - Susan Wortman-Jutt. YouTube Website:

*Villines, Z. (Last reviewed 2017). Frontal lobe: Functions, structure, and damage. Medical New Today. Web Search 16 April 2018.


End Note: Any medical, social, military or otherwise errors found within this book belong solely to the author, not the sources above.

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