Chapter 10D

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The house is pretty quiet; Uncle Artair and Aunt Ciara left early to go into the city to pick up some pansies and marigolds for the garden out back. The only ones home are Deaglán and I. I don't get to see Deaglán much; he's a few years older than me and he recently enlisted in the Navy. Right now he's on a short leave, but he'll be going back to base in a few days. I won't see him for at least another 6 months. He's about to enter BUD/S training in Coronado, California. He wants to be a SEAL and we're all rooting for him. Even though we've always lived miles apart, and only get together once in a while, we have stayed close throughout the years. Thank goodness for social media.

My cousin and I share the same sense of humor. He's a lot like Walker in that way. I frown. Gosh, I miss Walker. If only I could use social media to talk to him. Hah! Talk! What a joke.

No, stop it, Jenny, I tell myself. I'll talk to Walker again. Soon. I just have to practice more so I can be ready.

Tugging on the line behind me, I focus back on Deaglán. I hang out with him and his friends a lot, and no one looks at me funny when I speak. Every once in a while, we go over to Jo's for an ice cream or drive to the shooting range for practice. I'm still a pretty poor shot. Since my accident, I sometimes have trouble keeping my right hand closed in a solid grip. It's coming back, but is still not as strong as it used to be. It makes managing recoil a little difficult. But, I'm determined. I don't trust myself yet. I am going to get my skill and confidence back in this area. I even bought some free weights (only three pounders) to work out with.

Today, unbeknownst to my dear cousin, I have rigged our hose up to the laundry room sink. Deaglán is outside exercising on the lawn. It's not yet noon, but the temperature is starting to climb by the hour.

Deaglán's been dating one of our close neighbors for some time now. Her name is Kim and she's really nice. I've met her a few times at a couple of basketball games Deaglán has taken me to. Kim cheers for the home team along with the rest of us. She's really down to earth and she understands my condition without pitying me. I like her a lot and hope this thing works out for them. Lucky for Deaglán, Kim's one of those beautiful girls whose looks match her personality. Hence the reason he's been up since the butt crack of dawn working out to impress her with his ripped abs.

When I woke, I heard Deaglán outside my window counting reps. My window is barely off the ground. It doesn't take much noise to wake me up if someone is on the other side of it.

Not one to lose this opportunity, I think I'll help Deaglán out. You know; cool him off a bit. I cover my mouth to trap my giggles. My window is still open and I don't want Deaglán to hear me. The hose I have bares one of those nozzles that pressurizes the water. It's good for when you want to turn on the faucet but not spray the water right away. Since the hose is new, it doesn't leak yet. It's perfect for someone like me, who is currently carrying it through the house to spray her unsuspecting cousin outside.

Just as he's finishing up, I call out to Deaglán from behind my curtains. I can hear him snort and then take in a deep breath. He sighs and comes closer to my window.

"You up, Jenny? What's wrong?"

Right then I burst from behind the curtain and turn the hose loose on him. I laugh like a loon when the water rushes out at Deaglán, drenching him with ice cold water. He is freaking out on the other side of my window.

"Oh you think that's funny do you, Jenny?" he yells, sputtering.

The next thing I know, Deaglán's through my window and has an iron grip on the hose and my waist. I can't stop laughing as he tugs me back outside with him. Within minutes, we're both soaking wet. The yard is filling up fast. It hasn't rained in a while and the water is pouring out faster than the grass can absorb it. Soon, we're floundering around in the mud, covered head to toe in it. Someone drops the hose and the next thing I know we're slinging mud at each other. I try to duck when Deaglán throws some my way; I don't want to swallow a mouthful of the stuff. I hear a handful of it thump against the vinyl siding behind me.

At some point, Uncle Artair and Aunt Ciara arrive home. They can't stop looking back and forth between us and their yard. The hose hangs limply out of my window and is slowly dripping water. Deaglán and I are still laughing at each other, but by now have slowed down enough to try to brush ourselves off.

"What in the world are you two doing?" Aunt Ciara admonishes. "Jenny, why's there a hose hanging out of your window?"

"And why is it hooked up to the laundry room sink?" Uncle Artair yells from inside the house. I guess he ran in to turn it off at the source.

Caught like a kid with her hand in the cookie jar, I bite my lip and look at Deaglán. His hair is lathered in mud and his bare feet are covered to his ankles in the stuff. Looking down at myself, I see that the sleeves of my shirt are sagging down my shoulder and I have mud falling out of my shorts' pockets. Strands of stringy hair fall limply off my head and down my back. I unsuccessfully try to stifle a laugh.

"I sssorry, An Ci...ara," I apologize. "Was my fault."

Deaglán uses his arm to hide a smile.


"Well, you better young lady. LOOK at this place." She says, throwing her hands up as she turns in place. "I hope I can still plant these flowers in the yard today. What with all this mud everywhere, I don't know if I'll even be able to now."

"It's ok, mom. We'll clean it up." Deaglán says. "It'll be fine. The sun is out and it's going to get really warm today. In a little bit, this will all be dry. Don't worry."

Aunt Ciara gives us both the stink eye at that point and turns in a huff to unload their car.

"You better hope so, young man," she calls over her shoulder at him.

I share a look with Deaglán and we both start laughing again. Uncle Artair throws the end of the hose outside to us and we do our best to clean up the mud and ourselves before going inside to change.

I feel happier than I've felt in a very long while.


Photography Copyright 2018 A. E. F.

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