Chapter 4C

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"Alright, who's next? How about you, Walker? Truth or dare?" Siofra asks as we all take our spots around the fire again.

"Me?" he answers looking up. After the lengthy discussion of his and Caoilainn's name I guess he didn't expect his turn to come around so quickly. He seems to have been a million miles away.

"You ok? " I ask, whispering over to him. His little tiff with Ruari worries me. I hope nothing happens between them.

He nods quietly at me and focuses back on Siofra to reply, "Dare, I guess."

"I dare you to go behind the boulders for seven minutes in heaven with Jenny!"

My heart stops. Did Siofra just say those words out loud for the whole crowd to hear? I'm going to kill her. It's like she's pulling out every bad party game ever invented tonight.

I shoot a glance over at Walker. He looks like a deer caught in the headlights. You could hear a pin drop it's so quiet. Cian is silent. He glances towards the beach, refusing to look back at us.

Fionn looks at Siofra in shock.

About ten years later, after I start to breathe again, I realize everyone is waiting for one of us to respond to this dare. Walker can't very well go seven minutes in heaven with me if I don't agree to it. I close my eyes and silently nod my ascent to Walker.

As he stands up, he takes my hand and leads me away from our group. To say I'm nervous is the understatement of the century. Butterflies take flight in my stomach, and my heart is in my throat. I shoot Siofra one last parting glance before going out of view with Walker. As he leads the way, I take in a deep breath to prepare myself. Truth be told, this is exactly what I need. Cursed Siofra, she knows I'd never have had the guts to put my feelings out there on my own. She found a way to force this mess out of me. If something is going to happen between Walker and I it's now or never.

It's a quiet walk. A silent one that seems to take a thousand years, even though it's over in a matter of seconds. In that time, though, I think over the million ways I love Walker. He makes me laugh. He knows me and accepts me. He's my best friend; always there for me when I need him. And, I will always return the favor. I'm so nervous about losing what we have, but if I never try for more, how will I know where this can lead? If it can get even one step better? A hundred times better? I can feel my nervousness firm into steel determination as we reach the bolder and Walker turns around to face me.

"So," he says, looking all over the place while shuffling his feet in the dirt. He's no longer the confident best friend who can talk to me about anything, anywhere. He seems nervous and on edge and I can't help myself. I laugh. He looks up then, surprised by my outburst. I laugh some more and before we know it we're both laughing.

"Jenny, listen. I-You don't have to-I mean. It's ok if we don't..."

Just like that, I kiss him. Right on the mouth, and before he can say another word. I hold onto the sides of his face and I kiss him. It's a light kiss at first, and I feel Walker startle in surprise at my assault. But then he opens his mouth and I do, too. Lava and fireworks explode as his lips caress mine, the embers tingling down my body. I can smell the cold water and sand on Walker's hair. The lingering cologne scent on his skin. I soak him in and let him fill me up. His tongue dances with mine as his hands circle behind my back, drawing me closer to him. I nip his neck and suck on his earlobe. I hear him moan low in the chest. It gives me a carnal pleasure that I feel go all through me.


I step back quickly. This is all happening a little too fast.

Walker's eyes open in surprise and I look at him with greed. I am so scared but so turned on, too. Before I can think about what I'm doing, I attack him again. This time, he holds on tight, like he never wants to let go. He's as into this as I am.

His hands are everywhere but before it can go too far, I feel them come back up to my face. He breaks away first this time and takes a step back. He looks like a man starving and I am ready to feed him dessert. He knows it, too.

Just then, we hear Nick yell from the pond, "Hey, you two, seven minutes ended about five minutes ago. You coming back to us, or what?"

Blushing like a volcano, I put my hand to my swollen mouth and look up at Walker. I bite my lip and lean in to hug him. His arms are around me as we try to settle our breathing back down.

"You go first, Jenny. I'll catch up in a minute."

"Uh, ok. OH! Um, yeah. Ok," I stammer, awareness coming to me.

Blushing again, I walk back towards the group, hitting up our cooler on the way to compose myself. I put my soda can between my lips, using it as a prop to hide my grin.

Taking my seat between Cian and Fionn, I try to ignore the knowing looks now shooting my way. I mouth a silent, "Thank you" to Siofra. She holds her soda up in a silent toast to me.


I barely have time to process what just happened between Jenny and I, when I hear Cian's approach.

"You ok, Walker?" he asks before cresting the boulder where I sit.

"Yeah." I respond, worrying the knot on my wrist. "Yeah, I'm ok. I'm- Yeah, I'm good. Really good."

Cian looks down at me with a grin on his face. "I'd say. Come on. You're next. We're waiting for you."

"Next? But, I just..."

"You're next up. You know? To give someone a truth or dare."

"Oh, right. Ok," I say, standing up, grabbing his outstretched hand.

"Ok. Let's go."


"Yeah, what?"

"You might want to wipe off your back. It's covered in moss. How'd that happen?" Cian asks.

"I guess when Jenny kissed me I must have leaned back against the boulder."

"What? She kissed you?" Cian laughs, shaking his head at me. "I should have known." He says with a smirk.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I say, giving him the stink eye.

"Ever since I've known her, Jenny's never been afraid of anything, except you. Well, making a move on you, anyway. But, once she's made her mind up, look out." He laughs some more, shaking his head. "Good for you, Walker. It's about time."

"Very funny," I say in response. I'm smiling, though, so it's hard to sound pissed. In fact, even though I'm still taking it all in, I'm on cloud nine.

On my way back to the bonfire, I see Caoilainn and Tadhg get up and quietly walk down a nearby path, away from the group. Now where are they going? I look around to see if anyone has seen their leaving, but no one else seemed to have noticed, least of all Caoilainn's brother, Ruari. He's distracted in conversation with Brody. That's good. Maybe Tadhg and Caoilainn will find some happiness tonight, too. I relax, smiling at how this night is turning out.

It is hard to go back to the fire and play the stupid game now that I know what Jenny tastes like. What she smells like up close and personal. I want more. The sticks on the beach aren't the only thing burning. I am dying for more of her. When I get back to the beach, I wedge myself between Cian and Jenny. I don't think Cian minds in the least. Putting my arms across her shoulders, I watch Jenny's shy blush flash across her chest again. It's all I can do not to kiss her again in front of everyone. I look over at Siofra and she winks with glee. I nod my head in her direction.

"Walker, it's your turn to pick. Who's next?"


Photography Copyright 2018 A. E. F.

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