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It was no secret that their mother loved Fred more than everyone else in that house. It weakened him more than it gave him strength because he always knew there would be someone to bail him out or defend him every-time he screwed up.

Olivia listened to their conversations from the kitchen, calculating. She had planned to tell her dad first but after the hot slaps he landed on Wairimu's stupid face she knew her mother would be the best one to tell and then she could ease their dad into it.

She had woken early and washed the dishes made breakfast and cleaned the gigantic living room. Her mother was already raising an eyebrow. It's not that she wasn't hard working but she knew her daughter. She was not the type to volunteer to do something when she didn't have too.

She walked in the seating room with her head facing the floor after Fred had left—in too much of a hurry if she was asked.

"Mom, I need to talk to you," she said her hands intertwined in front of her purple dera her demeanor completely submissive.

"What about?"

She took a seat, her hips filling up the entire couch. She was shapely built in such a way that her chest was small, her waist tiny and her hips wide. She sat in such a way that she was ready to bolt in-case her mom got into a rage.

"Something I have been meaning to tell you?"

"You're pregnant aren't you?"

Her gaze remained on the floor

"You grow a bit of hips and the first thing you do is open your legs wide for men?—who is the boy?"

"He works in the bank, we met in the supermarket," she stammered.

"And the first thing you thought to do was invite him to your bed?"

She remained silent.

"Does he know?"



"He does not want anything to do with it," she broke into an inaudible sob.

"Do you want it?"

"I don't know."

"How long are you?"

"About two months."

"You're in the first trimester it's not even a baby yet."

Olivia looked at her blankly not knowing what she was saying.

"Go and get ready. We will leave when the sun is going down, I know a doctor."

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