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WARNING: This chapter has many ship moments in it!! Be prepared!!!

Also, I made some changes:

·Erza is now in the student council

Anyway, Das it! :)

Enjoy the chapter



''AH!" Lucy screamed as she walked into the school. She turned to the source that scared her, and low and behold, there stood Natsu with a cheesy smile on his face. "What do you want?" she said, unamused as her face deadpanned as if nothing happened.

"I wouldn't give me that tone, Luny." Natsu said as he stood next to Lucy, who he and her had started walking towards their homeroom, which they had together.

"Its Lucy!" She corrected. "Seriously, what do you want?"

"I want..." Natsu put his hands behind his head and held them there as they continued to walk "To walk with you and sit by you in homeroom."


"That's fine, Luny-Lucy-whatever your name is." Lucy smiled at his response "I guess I can tell the entire school about your secret-sorry-our secret. This was a simple thing that I asked of you, but I guess just like that you want the secret out." he said as he snapped his finger, adding to how quick she let the opportunity to keep the secret - well - not a secret anymore.

Quickly, Lucy looked at Natsu and grabbed his arm "No, No, No, NO! You heard me wrong I said... YES... I would l-love for you to walk with me to class!!!" She said in a suppose to be happy tone, but came out as a frantic-confused tone

"Good." Natsu said, as they walked to their class.


As the two entered into class, Lucy suspected for Natsu to leave her alone there. But, she thought wrong. Instead of Natsu sitting in his original spot - their teacher let them sit where ever they wanted - Natsu plopped comfortably right next to Lucy's spot.

Rolling her eyes, Lucy let it slide. Her secret was at stake, she didn't want to ruin it for the other girls. Lucy set her book bag next to her desk and bent down to get a pencil, before getting up and looking at the board which read: 'Surprise Quiz!!'

Lucy slumped in her chair, and slowly, turned her head to see Natsu staring at her. "Im copying your quiz." he whispered and Lucy deadpanned - once again - and nodded her head weakly, before slamming it on her desk.


"Why are you so short?" Gajeel asked, as he followed you-know-who.

Levy continued to ignore Gajeel - a book held close to her chest as she walked - Gajeel was towering over the poor petite girl.

Gajeel had found Levy in the Library - more like saw her in the library as he passed by. He never goes in the Library. - and decided to annoy the crap out of her.

"Talk." he demanded.

Levy, didn't obey and continued to walk all stubbornly - nose stuck up in the air.

"Want me to tell the school about your secret over the intercom?" He questioned and Levy stopped, face turning white immediately. She turned around and shook her head 'no' furiously. "Do what I want you to do then, shorty!"

"Im not short." Levy finally said "Ill have you know Im about average height!"

"Average height as a 3rd grader? Yeah." Gajeel 'gihi'ed and stared amusingly at the petite girl. "Shrimp."

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