Smiles and Secrets

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Okay, Okay, so. I thought it was a good Idea to add a video hopefully every chapter at the beginning. I watch too much fairy tail fan made stuff so why not show it to you guys? Also, sometimes they will be ship fanmade things! I am on YouTube WAY TOO MUCH. And if somehow I can't find a video to show, ill find a Ship GIFor a GIF of some of the characters.

Today's highlight is a GRUVIA video to the music Eine Kleine which is the best music as of right now to me, in my opinion. I love Gruvia, so don't take offense if I only use Gruvia videos. It ain't my fault I watch too much Gruvia.

If you love Gruvia as much as I do, you will DIE at how cute the video is.

Anywhozzles, here is the chapter. .v.

Juvia walked into the school, a frown held on her face.

After her talk with Gray the other night, she kept her guard up. She was happy, however, but with a frown on her face? Gray told her to do that.

(Last Night; Outside the Maid Café.)

"She can't suspect anything. So, you'll need to act like you did today; sad and depressed, in the verge of crying." Gray told the bluenette. "Act like you would any day ever since Lucy joined Lisanna."

(Present Time)

She slowed her steps as she neared her locker, her book bag slung over her shoulder as she opened the locker; LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, CLICK.

She got all the books she needed for her classes, turning a bit to the mirror she had in her locker. She looked at herself, examining her face to make sure her frown read unhappiness, and that she was sad. Once she knew her face was trickable, she closed her locker to immediately be met with a face.

Flare Corona's face.

"Hey there, loser." she said in the voice that said 'creepy' to anyone beyond ear level. The girls voice was unsettling.

Juvia rolled her eyes and stepped to the side, walking away from the red head - who followed.

With hands behind her back, Flare walked alongside Juvia. She leaned forward so she could see the bluenettes face. "Where ya going, girly?"

Juvia didn't answer. 'Act like you would any day ever since Lucy joined Lisanna' Gray's voice rang in her head like bells on a church; sweet and settle. She smiled at the thought of Gray holding her in his muscular arms, smiling at her with those drop dead luscious lips-

The frown came back as Juvia reminded herself 'Act like you would any day.' she imaginably smacked her face.

Juvia held her chin in the air, the frown still upon her face as she walked with sass.

(Last night; outside the Maid Café.)

"Be especially careful of Flare." spoke Gray.

"Why?" Juvia asked stupidly. She knew why. Who wouldn't be careful around Flare?

"No questions asked. Just be careful."

(Present Time)

Flare's low giggle was heard, Juvia couldn't see it but she could tell THAT creepy smile was smiling up to her.

"Why aren't you talking? Are you terrified?" Flare asked as they walked in sync. "I bet that's the reason."

They turned a corner; the corner where Juvia's class was only a walk away.

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