Christmas Special

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^ Those are some FT vines, they are two Christmasy ones because why not?? (Warning: It swears so be careful ;))

Merry FREAKING Christmas my dudes!!! Enjoy this (horrible) Christmas Special!

Speaking of...

Disclaimer: Nothing happening in this special has to deal with the story. Of course its the same story line, but nothing happening has to do with the chapter.

So, nothing in the special is going to stay in the story. It is just a special, so deal with it.

Enjoy it :)


The final bells signaling the holidays and long break - that the students have been awaiting for months on end now - finally rang.

Most people would be spending time with Family for the season - Wrapping and unwrapping gifts, making cookies and pastries for neighbors or friends, or drinking hot cocoa and spending time cuddling up with your loved one by the fire sharing sweet 'I love you's.

The girls loved Christmas, especially if they spent it together. Some years, they'd have Christmas dinner together, others they would spend all winter break together, and one year they actually spent it opening presents the very Christmas morning with eachother at Lucy's house with Layla and Levy's Dad - Christmas was by far all of their favorite holidays.

At the Maid Café, the girls worked their butts off, Christmas only being 3 days away. People were coming and asking for delivery's to their house on the special occasion, others sat and got some hot cocoa and other foods.

When their break came, the four girls sat down at a table and began planning - oblivious to the fact they had sat behind the 4 boys who usually came - Hana already sat them and ordered their food.

"Okay, so.." Lucy began. "I was thinking… Christmas Eve we have a huge party with just the four of us. I talked with my mom, she said it was a good idea. The only problem is, where will we have the party? I asked my Mom and she said it can't be at my place. I asked Levy to ask her Dad, but Levy said her Dad shouldn't come home from work and have 4 obnoxious - though lovable - teenage girls." Lucy turned her gaze towards Juvia. The bluenette jumped when she found Lucy staring at her. "I was thinking, we could do it at your place? We'd just have to take Meredy to spend time with Kagura at Erza's house so we can just have it be us."

Juvia nodded her head, her beach wave curls bouncing along with her bobs. "Sounds perfect. I'll bring the idea up to Meredy, Erza should do the same with Kagura."

Erza was leaning back and relaxing against the cushion of the booth table, taking her actual break time to rest  "Mhm, I'll do that."

"Perfect!" Lucy smiled widely, a twinkle in her eye. "Just the 4 of us spending time together on Christmas Eve! It'll be amazing!"

"How about make it 8 people." came a voice similar to Jellal's from behind them. Juvia and Levy turned around while Erza and Lucy stared and saw it was indeed Jellal - the bluenette male leaning over from his booth over to theirs from where he sat. Natsu who sat beside him doing the same. Gray and Gajeel walked up a few seconds later so they could actually be in the conversation.

"No- its just going to be us." Levy shook her head, a stern look on her face.

"C'mon, shrimp, its better with more people. Being with 4 people is so boring." Gajeel said as he grinned from ear to ear.

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