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Erza walkedto the student council room early in the morning. She had walked to school, and had just gotten there 2 minutes ago. The student council had arranged a short meeting.

As she entered, of course, she was the only one so far; she was always early.

She walked to a seat and set her book bag next to it, to then sit in the chair and wait for the rest to come.

2 minutes..
3 minutes...
4 minutes....

Erza looked to the clock 7:44... 'Their suppose to be here already!!' Erza thought as she impatiently tapped her nails on the hard surface of the table.

The door swung open, and low in behold, came in a student council member; Yukino Agria. Erza smiled at the white haired woman, but didn't get a smile back. Instead she got a shocked one..

"Oh! Erza! I-Its nice to see y-you!" She said in a stuttery low voice. "What are here?"

"I'm here for the meeting that Ultear planned." Erza said simply.

"Meeting?? Ultear never set one up..." Yukino said as she shifted her hands to her back.

Erza's lips pursed together in a thin line, her eyes grew into a soft glare.

Ultear totally set Erza up!!!

'Hehe' was what Ultear said from no where in particular, a hand cover her mouth a bit as she laughed in a mischievous way.

Erza sighed out loud dramatically, standing up from up from her chair. She made her way to the door and shared one last smile to Yukino

"Sorry for the misunderstanding, Yukino. I'll be back in here in a bit... I just want to go talk with some people, instead of sit in here" Erza said as she waved

Yukino nodded at Erza and walked to her seat.


Erza walked down the school halls, fists clenched to her sides. Ultear totally stood her up, making her get to school earlier for some stupid meeting that actually was just a way to make Erza make a fool of herself.

Now what would she do?

Ultear made her not walk to school with her friends, which she had planned to do before the 'meeting' was planned.

Erza wanted to share something with them...

BUT.... Because of Ultear, she wasn't able to.

How was Erza suppose to find her friends now!?!

Erza paused her walking as she saw Lucy run from the entrance, to supposedly her class. Perfect! All Erza needed to do was catch up with her and talk-

Erza began to walk to try and catch up with Lucy, but stopped as she saw Natsu run with Lucy.

Erza chuckled lowly to herself; those two, ever since the task thing started, had begun to walk to class together a bunch. Erza could almost sense that-

"You look to be in deep thought." The voice, so familiar, so masculine, so- Jellal.

Erza turned her head a bit to the side to see Jellal leaning on the door frame a little ways away from Erza, smiling coyly at her. Erza glared.

"What do you want?"

"Nothing today." Jellal said as he started walking the opposite way of Erza.

Erza just stared as he walked away. What was the purpose of the saying that to her if a second later he would just walk away?

Erza didn't understand him or his tactics.

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