Make up from the past (Prt. 2)

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Had a little bit of confusion:

italicized words = Past

Anywho, enjoy the chapter! Let me know if you Jane any questions or complaints!

The night that it happened, no one expected it. Not from Simon, nor from Jellal.

The two had gotten into an all out fight, punching, hitting, scratching, as the 4 watching had not the slightest clue about what they were fighting about.

The little 3 year old Kagura was getting held back by her 'older sister', though not to be mistaken that the two weren't related as much the little girl was to Simon. Kagura was kicking and screaming, wanting to go to her brothers aid and stop Jellal.

The girl was confused as well. Jellal was a nice kid, very caring and helping when the little girl got knocked down all of those times. Why was he acting like this? Especially to her older brother?

"How dare you!" Simon yelled, throwing another punch, Jellal grabbing his knuckle blocking the hit, as he brought up his foot and kicked the older brother where the sun don't shine.

Simon fell to the ground, groaning in pain from the various places he was kicked. He opened his eyes, his back on the cold pavement of the alleyway the 6 homeless children stayed at. He looked up to Jellal's creepy smile he had never seen before once in his life. He had seen his sweet smile, but the man standing above him was a completley different person.

Jellal let out a hollow evil chuckle, it was a dark one, really. Police sirens soon sounded, fear struck Simon's face. "Told ya they would come." Jellal's voice was different, his eyes big and white as if insane.

Kagura started freaking out. "Big brother!!" she screamed, Erza standing by her side in shock.

"What's going on?!" Erza screamed.

The two boys snapped their stare to her, the scarlet haired girl shriveling feeling less confident as if she did something bad.

"Erza…" Simon said, his voice gone soft. Suddenly, he screamed in pain as Jellal stepped on his arm. The bluenette glowering.

"Don't. Talk. To. Her."

The sirens got closer, Kagura shrinking to the ground as her hands cupped her ears. The screaming from the boys and the sirens coming scared her so much, it was deafening.

Erza stood dejectingly, the loss of Kagura's warmth fading from her arms. She couldn't help but shed a tear. Just what had happened?


Outside sat Kagura, her arms folded as she refused to look at the two infront of her; The guy who made her brother get taken away, and a lying girl she called 'sister'.

Kagura had just made the decision her sister was nothing but a liar. Erza had told the girl when they were younger (after that fateful moment Simon was taken) that if she ever met Jellal again, she'd be sure to contact the police.

Obviously, since Jellal was there and not in prison, Erza didn't stay true to her word.

Jellal and Erza were trying their best to get Kagura to forgive Jellal, but the girl had said nothing for the hour they were trying. Kagura stayed staring to the side at nothing in particular. She just didn't want to make eye contact.

Erza looked to Jellal with a deep sigh. Jellal scratched his head, looking to Erza.

"Maybe try… explaining?" Jellal said, trying his best to give ideas of what to do.

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