Some Much Needed Help (Gajevy Chapter)

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^ Here is the Gajevy/Gale edit :). Like the Nalu chapter, there are two more at the end!

Enjoy the chapter!!

Levy was in the library - she was signed up to help after school to organize, and put in new books for the elderly librarian. Levy loved reading books, and to help out especially in the library, it was like a first job she ever had. Of course, she wasn't paid, but it still was a job.

She was the only one who would ever volunteer, other than her friends who would help her from time to time, but that was because they were doing something after school and wanted to speed up the process of redoing the books.

Levy grabbed a new book from the cart she was pushing around, and put it in the shelf where it was supposed to be. She smiled a bright one as she placed the book in, knowing the contents of the words inside. She had a book to check out and read later.

"Levy, my dear.." the librarian said as she hunched over. Levy turned to the librarian with a smile.

"Yes, Miss Quill?" Levy asked, putting back down the book she just grabbed from the shelf that was in the wrong place.

"I am terribly sorry young lady. I have to go home and feed my cats before they starve, its urgent." Miss Quill replied. "Would you mind locking up after your done?"

"Of course." Levy smiled. Miss Quill was a widow, her husband died about 10 years ago, leaving her alone. So, the old woman bought 10 cats to keep her company. Some say she's a lonely cat lady, atleast that's what the students called her here. Miss Quill was a generous and kind old lady who never was mad (unless you talked in the library loudly.) Since Levy always was volunteering in the library, Miss Quill could say that Levy was her favorite student ever. She loved the petite girl so much, she mistaked her as her own child.

"Thank you, my dear. You're very helpful." the old woman smiled at Levy as the girl returned one as well.

"Well, the cats call! Go ahead and go home." Levy said as she turned back to the pile of books.

Miss Quill turned around slowly, grabbing her bag and carefully walking to the exit. "See you tomorrow."

"See ya!" and with that, Miss Quill was out the door, going to go see and feed her precious cats.

Levy sighed, grabbing a book and placing it where it was meant to be. 'Jeez, do the students here even care about where they put the books?' she already knew the answer, she just had to remind herself that the students going to Fiore Highschool could care less about books.

"Hey shrimp." speaking of people who don't care-

Levy whirled around to see Gajeel standing there. She glared "What do you want?"

"Nothing. I'm bored."

Levy turned back to the books, placing a new one in. "And I'm supposed to help by…?"

"Letting me stay here." Gajeel took out a book out of the many shelf's.

"Hey! Keep it in there! I just put that one back!" Levy shouted, placing a hand on her hip.

"Fine, fine." and then he put it back….. In the wrong spot.

Levy groaned in annoyance. "Put it back in the right place!" she walked over to where he was, pulling the book that he misplaced and putting it in the spot he took it from. "You can stay if you help out."

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