Nervous (Nalu Chapter)

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Soops sorry for not updating in a while. I was busy with school and being sick.

(Important notice: the next four including this one are based on a specific ship. You do NOT have to read all of them, but I highly encourage it! They will have whatever ship the chapter is about after the name of it, but here is the order it goes:

  ·Nalu (this one)

Nalu chapter is on a Monday, while the other three are on Tuesday. (Not meaning the day posted. Meaning what day it is that I an writing about)

They will all have an edit/AMV that I liked for the ship.)

^ I got one of my favorite Nalu edits up there, hope you like it :). There are more at the end of this chapter.

Enjoy the chapter :)
The morning sun rose over the green hills and fields, signaling the morning with birds chirping their melodies. It was a beautiful Saturday morning. Lucy was at work especially early - the first, to be exact.

She and Yajima were opening up the Café, and getting things ready for the day.

In her uniform, she put on her head piece and put her hair in two low pigtails, leaving the dressing room to the table Yajima was washing.

"Here, let me do that!" Lucy smiled as she walked to the side of her manager, taking the rag from his delicate hands. She started wiping the cloth in circles on the table.

"Your too nice, Lucy." Yajima said as he placed his hands behind his back as he peered at Lucy doing her work.

"Its what I do best." was her reply as she looked over her shoulder to the man, winking to him with the hand not wiping the table up in a thumbs up.

As Lucy finished wiping the table she was at, she went to the next doing the same thing; wiping in circles. As she did so, Yajima figured he make small talk with his worker.

"About those boys that always come…" he asked confusingly, hopping in a seat as he tapped his chin. "Are you dating any of them?"

Lucy froze as her cheeks turned pink. "N-no! I-I- no!"

"Your always so comfortable around them when I see you, so I figured it was the case.." Yajima settled both hands in his lap. "I guess it was wrong of me to jump to conclusions."

Lucy got back to wiping the tables, cheeks still pink. "Well, their friends from school. We weren't friends to begin with… but ever since they saw us working here, they've been hanging around us more at school."

"Cause their moved by you and your friends beauty." Yajima winked, and Lucy flushed a darker pink. "I've dealt with these 'dating' crisis's, and I can tell atleast one of them loves you- not as a friend, or brother, but more."

"H-how do you k-know…?" Lucy left the rag on her table she was wiping to sit on her hands on the table.

"I can see it in their eyes."

It was now Monday, and what Yajima had said on Saturday was still crammed in her head. She was nervous to face the 4 boys she called friends with the new information that atleast one of them loves her romantically.

She ran the names through her head. Natsu? Nah, if the world was ending and the only way you could survive was by being romantic, he was way passed dead. Gray had the same excuse, along with Gajeel. Though, Lucy has seen Gajeel side glance her once before, but he wasn't checking her out. Jellal, though? The two had never talked or had had a long conversation, so it wasn't even possible that Jellal was crushing on Lucy.

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