Much Needed Apologies

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A pair of feet stepped out of a car infront of Fairy Tail High, and just after they said a goodbye to the driver turned around and already felt self-conscious with all the stares and whispers on them from other students.

News sure spread fast through indeed everyone at school within the matter of 2 weeks.

"The queen bee is back." one said as they leaned into their friend.

"Didn't even notice she was gone, wish it stayed that way."

"She still looks like she's going to be an ice-cold bitch."

"I wonder if she'll bully me this time…"

"What the hell is she doin with her hair?"

With all these whispers going around that she could indeed hear everytime she took a step, made her clutch her arm more as her head hung low.

"God, what a bad person."

"She should've been expelled so we wouldn't have to see her ever again."

"Why didn't she just take the time away to kill herself? Nobody wants her here. Not after what she's done."

As she made it to the entrance of the school, the principal was there waiting for her who just arrived to where he was standing. As soon as the other students saw the principal, they stopped the whispering and went back to what they were doing before.

The girl smiled to the principal shyly when she stopped walking, Makarov returning back the smile.

"Welcome back, Lisanna."


Lucy was at her locker getting her books for the day, Natsu leaning on the locker next to hers where he could be seen. The two had just arrived to the school a minute before, and since Natsu had nothing better to do he just decided to annoy Lucy some more.

"Do you know if Miss Young said anything about taking notes today?" Lucy asked as she kept her gaze on her locker as she pulled stuff from it, but obviously was talking to Natsu.

"Uh…… no." Natsu was as hopeless as ever.

"Why did I even bother to ask? I knew you wouldn't know." still, she pulled out the papers for that class, it would be wise to be prepared just incase they were actually taking notes. She shut her locker as soon as she got what she wanted out, and turned to Natsu. "Lets go find the others?"

Natsu got off the locker he was leaning on, the boring stuff over. "Yeah."

And the two went off to find their friends, they still had 10 minutes until they needed to head off to class.

They soon found their friends in the courtyard.

And as soon as they saw the two approaching, mostly Ultear rushed over to them and pulled them quickly to her.

"What?" Lucy asked as soon as she was pulled to the group, seeing Juvia and Levy with doubt looking faces worried her even more. "What happened?" the only times she's seen the two bluenette friends of hers is when their worried about something, or when Lisanna does something terrible.

"Lisanna." Ultear said simply. "She's-"

Natsu cut in "What about her?"

"Let her finish, spyro." Gray said annoyingly, which got a fighting stare from Natsu to him.

Lucy put her arm infront of Natsu before he could start anything. "Continue, Ultear."

"Lisanna… She's-she's"

"She's what?" Lucy asked

"She's back" Erza finished.


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