Can one forgive from the Past?

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Juvia walked into the school grounds and headed towards the entrance.

All of her friends were already at the school, already occupied, so that left Juvia alone.

She would have gone to class early, but she knew a certain popular girl was in that same class as her and would definetley make fun of or bully her -she wanted to avoid that at all and any costs - so roaming around the school was a safe bet.

She walked with one hand holding her book bag strap strung over her shoulder, while the other swung freely by her side adding to how she walked happily. Her blue long curls bounced up and down as she walked. If someone looked at her and didn't know that she was known as the loser of the school, they would think she was pretty popular.

She passed by classes, and in doing so, would peek for her Gray-Sama to see if he was in the class.

Of course she already knew his homeroom -she followed him one day to make sure he got to class on time and in shape - but he usually didn't head to class till the 5 minutes they had. So, she didn't know where he went. She was trying to figure that part out.

In doing so, she couldn't help but notice one of the many close friends her prince had, one that she wasn't too fond of; Gajeel Redfox.

Those two, plus Meredy, had a rocky relationship. It was complicated.

Gajeel was looking in through glass, and Juvia could tell right away it was the library.

Why was he there? Juvia didn't know. But what she did know was that she didn't want to pass by him.

Along with the bullies, she wanted to avoid him at any and all costs.

So, she just turned around.

She opened her phone up as she walked, seeing the time. She only had 8 minutes left.

Class was the best option, so she decided to just head there.


A few hours later, and school was out. Juvia was greatful the school day was over, now she just had to wait until the work day was over.

As usual, Juvia walked out of the school and saw her Gray-Sama (who was always there after school) with his girlfriend Flare. A.K.A Juvia's love rival. She wasn't happy to see Flare with her man, she would prefer it more if she was with him, but she was glad to see him happy.

Knowing he was happy, she could head home now.

Juvia walked passed Gray, and Flare, with two hands holding her book bag on her shoulder, looking down at the ground to avoid eye contact. She walked to the school gate, almost leaving out of sight from Gray, before getting pumiled to the ground- in a friendly manner -causing a few stares from people; including Gray.

"Juvia-Niiii!!!!" Juvia looked at the person a-top of her and smiled, forgetting she was at school, it was Meredy after all.

"What are you doing here?" Juvia asked as she hugged her sister (from another mister) tightly.

"I just decided to walk with you from school, to home!" Meredy stood up, and assisted Juvia to do the same by offering a hand. After their hands were together, Meredy pulled Juvia successfully off the ground.

"Your so sweet" Juvia said as she ruffled her Sisters hair.

Meredy only blushed and hugged her sisters waist as they walked across the street, heading towards their home.

"How was school, Meredy?"

"It was great!! Me and Kagura had a super fun time at lunch with everyone else. It was so much fun." Meredy said excitingly.

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