Maid Café

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Describing things is not my forte, especially with introducing a building that no one has seen before; a building I picture in my head.

When I try describing places for you, I feel like I do a crappy job.

So you know what I did? I took one of my crappy jobs (previously told you bout it) and added it with another thing I am bad at:


I am NOT an artist, and will never become one.

I took some time to draw the Maid Café in this fic for you! Its nothing special (Just an overview of the inside, and what it looks like on the outside.) and I even colored part of it for you!

(I apologize for my terrible handwriting)

Top one is obvi an overview, and the other is the outside

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Top one is obvi an overview, and the other is the outside.

Confused? That's what I'm here for!

If you don't know how to read small handwriting, and don't know what a word says, ask me, and Ill tell you!

Okay, next thing I want to say; Do you guys have any questions 4 me about this fanfiction?

Like, take for instants:

  ·Why does Lisanna bully the 4? (If this is a question of yours, she bullies them because she wants to. She thinks it makes herself look cool, and thinks it is fun cause the 4 are easy targets, and don't tell any teachers about her wrong doings)

  ·Is the story going to be sad?
(If this is a question of yours, yes. Some parts.)

   ·What are the pasts of Juvia, Gajeel and Meredy, and Erza, Jellal and Kagura?
(READ to find out 😉)

Also, if its questions about what things look like, let me know!!! I am free to answer any and all questions!

Here is a space for questions:

Anywho, I want to thank all of you guys who support this Fanfiction, It means A LOT. Honestly, I wouldn't be updating if it wasn't for y'all.

Oh! One last thing. If you want me to draw any other things like I did for the Maid Café, also let me know about that!!

Here's a list of things I could draw:

·The Highschool
·Lucy/Erza/Levy/Juvia's/any other characters house
·Different parts of rooms in the maid café
·Any other suggestions from you guys:

Thanks again to all of you!!!

Shout out:
  ~(TY so much for reading this fanfiction, for following me, for chatting with me, and for being AWESOME!!! You're the greatest!!)

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