20 Random Facts

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Hello! As a kind of thank you to you readers, I decided to do a '15 random facts' about the characters in this book pertaining to the storyline.

Its also a 'make-up' for not updating the next part of the story (currently re-writing what I deleted, and is taking longer than expected with a sudden sickness I just got.) for y'all in which I stupidly deleted.

So here you go! Just a warning, some facts may have already been established in the story, but I wanted a certain amount of facts and couldn't think of any others!


1. Gray and Ultear are cousins. Shocker, right? After Gray's mother died when he was only at the age of 6, he was left with a dad who was constantly working trying to keep a roof over their heads. Gray would be dropped off at his aunt (aka his 2nd mother, but not step mother because that would be weird) Ur's house with her daughter Ultear. To this day, Gray still likes Ur more than his father who he almost rarely sees.

2. Erza had stood up for Levy when a mean kid at their elementary school tried to steal her book. It wasn't pretty, and was in fact the first time Erza had ever been to the principals office.

3. Kagura is also apart of Student Council at her school. She's following in the footsteps of her sister.

4. When Gajeel was adopted by Metallicana, the wealthy man who helped get rid of the jobs of terrible caretakers at the orphanage, Gajeel found out that his 'old man' was very precise on girls he would date. He noting that he liked it most when there was a height difference.

5. When Jellal was left alone after what had happened with Simon and his friends, he met Ultear who invited him to her house constantly to hang (since 'play' was too childish for them) and that's how he first met Gray.

6. Lisanna is actually a nice person if you get on her good side.

7. Word of advice, never make fun of Juvia infront or in ear shot of Meredy. The girl will take offense and somehow gain 100 times more courage to stand up and yell in someone's face for talking bad about her sister.

8. Despite being 100% dead brain all the time, Natsu has actually won a trophy. If it counts in a video game.

9. Though no one notices, Jellal and Erza talk often.

10. Meredy has atleast 10 couples who she ships. One being with her sister NOT with Gray, she prefers JuviaxMeredy better. What can you say? She loves her sister

11. Lucy's dad is a hard working man ever since his wife Layla was diagnosed with a disease where she couldn't do much. Even after the disease is gone, he still prefers to have her stay at home and him work.

12. Gray, Natsu, and Gajeel get into so many constant fights that Jellal contemplates if he wants to kill them or not.

13. Ultear simplifies Meredy as cute, bubbly when feels like it, sweet, caring, not very bright in the mind, and innocent.

14. Despite having to deal with constant pervs at the Maid Café, the girls actually enjoy their jobs. Specially since they get to role-play as maids, it gets their confidence levels higher.

15. Gajeel, even though he never saw Meredy nor Juvia ever unless it was Juvia at school, still loved the girls as sisters all that time they were aching with the pain of him leaving with heavy words on their hearts.

16. Meredy's top five favorite people are Juvia, Kagura, Ultear, puppies, and more puppies! She aspires to be a lonely puppy lady cause boys are EW and have cooties. The only man she needs is one for Juvia.

17. Kagura loves her sister, though rarely shows.

18. Natsu is holding back from ordering off all of the entree's at the Maid Café because he still needs a lot of money to afford it all, he's completely broke (I can relate)

19. Erza has a fuzzy feeling inside whenever the mention of Jellal comes up.. Don't be SILLY guys! Of course its not the feeling you get when its someone you love, its obviously the feeling of mold.

20. Lucy and Juvia started off enemy's at the beginning of elementary due to Juvia thinking Lucy was just one in many bullies

Thanks for reading!!!


PSYCH! THERE ARE 25 FACTS! Gotcha there!

21. Though Natsu, Gray, and Gajeel aren't found fighting around the girls a lot, there are still fights even without punching and kicking.

22. Meredy hates when Juvia talks about a boy (because she's jealous and wants Juvia for her herself), but at the same time ships her so much with boys.

23. Never underestimate Erza with a slice of strawberry cake. Even if you look at her eating it because she looks adorable with a childish demeanor, she will think you are contemplating whether or not to steal the heavenly slice from her.

24. Kagura once almost killed someone. She walked by a group of girls at school who were talking crap about Meredy and how she was so stupid, and if there's anything you need to know: Don't mess with Kagura's friends.

25. Gajeel finds small things cute

Hope you enjoyed! If you want facts for a specific person, tell me who it is and I'll tell you some more (cause I have way too many for everyone)

Thanks for being patient with me! I am really sick (dead sick) and can barely keep my eyes open, my brother actually helped with writing the facts down so thank you brother! Appreciate ya! Even though sometimes I want to rip your head off.....

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