An Understanding.

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^ OMG GUYS WATCH/LISTEN TO THE VIDEO UP THERE! Its amazing and I am in love :3 <3.

Its by LeeandLie on YouTube. I just HAD to show it to you guys! Its amazing!!! The singing, the video, ARGH! EVERYTHING!!!!

Watch. It.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter!

Lucy arrived to work already in costume - She had to bring her outfit home to wash since it was dirty - and went into the wardrobe where she was greeted by Tania.

"Have you seen Juvia?" Lucy asked as she opened her locker to put her bag of clothes in.

"I have. She arrived early and is helping Hana and the new maid wash tables- why are you already in your maid outfit?" Tania didn't notice Lucy had her maid outfit on already because she was fixing her apron. "Either you get dressed faster than me, or you have some weird magical powers."

"Its neither of those." Lucy lightly laughed, "I brought my clothes home to wash." Lucy closed her locker, and whipped around to look at Tania with a small smile.

"Why are 'ya looking for Juvia?" Tania asked as she put on her head piece.

"I need to apologize to her."

"For what?" Tania asked confusingly, a frown on her face.

"Drama. The last few weeks have been hectic for the both of us." Lucy said as she walked towards the door to go find Juvia.

"Oh! The stuff Erza has been talking about. I get ya."

"Yeah..." Lucy held onto the doorknob thinking for a second, "Well, wish me luck!" Lucy left the wardrobe.

"You have to fix this drama problem of yours, Lucy." Tania said under her breathe.


Lucy looked for Juvia as she came out of the wardrobe, looking at every table, the bar, everywhere, when she found her.

"Juvia!" Lucy called to the bluenette. Juvia didn't react at all to Lucy's call, in fact, she physically stiffened.

Lucy walked up to Juvia and started talking; "Hey, about today, I know I have said this a lot, but, I mean it HARD this time. I'm-" Juvia walked away from Lucy, choosing to ignore the apologetic blonde.

Lucy only frowned and tilted her head to the ground.

"Just leave her alone." Erza's voice boomed from behind the blonde. Lucy's head snapped up to Erza cowardly. "It'd help her."

Erza turned back around and walked away from Lucy, going to the door as the bell sounded.

Lucy's bangs covered her eyes as she let a tear slip from her piercing brown eyes.


'Welcome to the Maid Café!'

'Welcome to the Maid Café, Master!'

'Welcome back Master, and Mistress!'

A few more 'Welcome back to the Maid Café' 's were heard before the 4 boys showed. It was dark by then, around 7 o'clock pm.

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