Chapter 3

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When we reached our classroom, we go back to our sit and wait for the next teacher to come

"Hye Rim do you like someone?" Oppa asked "Uhm nae oppa I like someone" I said

Yes, oppa I like someone and that's you oppa, I like you since we were in kinder but I don't think that you like me back because you only see me as your little sister

"Uhm yes oppa I like someone"

Wait what? She likes someone? But who? So it means that I don't have any chance? *sigh*

Our last period ended early and now I'm in my classroom waiting for the bell to ring

*Ring Ring*
When I heard the bell rang I quickly packed my things inside my bag and go to Soo Yoon's classroom, yes I admit that I like her but I don't think if she likes me back.

"Joochanie" noona called me  "Hi! noona" I said loudly and hugged her tight "Yah! let me go" she said I break the hug but I hold her hand and intertwined it with my fingers "Let's go noona let's meet our new friends" I said and drag her with me

"Let's go noona let's meet our new friends" he said and drag me with him, and now all students are looking at us. When we arrived at the gymnasium we took a sit but still holding hands.

5 minutes later

"Sunbae" they said loudly we waved our hand to them  "It's weird when you call is sunbae" Joo Chan said
"Yeah, you can call me noona/unnie" I said "Me too you can call me hyung/oppa" Joo Chan said "Okay" both of them said "Oppa, unnie I want you to introduce to my brothers so can you go with us at my house?" Hye Rim said, we just nodded

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