Chapter 14

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After a month of waiting the boys are already debut but Bo Min is not happy because Hye Rim didn't come to their showcase, but he didn't know that their CEO has a surprise for him.

I tried to call Hye Rim a hundred times but she didn't pick up the call "why she didn't pick my calls" I said "maybe she's busy" noona said "yeah don't worry she will call you later okay don't be sad because the showcase will start soon okay" Joo Chan hyung said "Kids get ready we will start within 5 minutes" manager-nim said "fighting Bo Min" noona said "thanks noona" I said

While I'm waiting for their performance my phone is ringing and it's Hye Rim "hello Hye Rim why you didn't pick Bo Min's call?" I asked to her "sorry unnie we are on practice when he is calling" she said "don't say sorry to me say sorry to Bo Min" I said "unnie is their showcase already started?" She asked "no not yet" I said "ahh okay unnie I need to go now bye" she said "bye" and that she ended the call

4 minutes later
The debut showcase of the boys are already started and I admit that they are so talented. I hope Hye Rim is here so that she can see how talented is her boyfriend. After 1 hour the showcase are already finished and I went to the backstage "Bo Min-ah Hye Rim called me an hour ago" I said to him "really noona what did she say?" He asked "she says that she didn't pick your call because she is in practice" I said "noona can I call her now?" He asked "maybe try it" I said

After how many rings she finally picked my calls "hello Hye Rim?" I said "hello oppa I'm sorry I didn't pick your calls" she said "it's okay" "oppa congrats by the way" she said "thank you" I said Bo Min-ah let's back to dorm" Dae Yeol hyung said "nae hyung" I said "Hye Rim-ah I need to hang up now" I said "okay oppa take care" she said "arasso bye" I said "bye"

"I'm sorry oppa" I said to my self "Hye Rim manager wants to talk to you" Nathalie said "okay thanks" I said and go to our manager's office "I heard do you want to talk to me?" I said "ahh yes because CEO Lee decided that you will leave Diamnd and you will back to Korea" he said "what do you mean manager nim?" I asked "CEO Lee has a plan for you so you will back at Korea next week" he said "ahh okay thanks manager nim" I said

Hye Rim is starting to confuse why CEO Lee wants her to leave Diamnd so she asked her member if they have an idea on what's going on so she back at practice room and start to asked question to Sophia their leader. "Sophia do you have an idea why CEO Lee wants me to leave Diamnd?" Hye Rim asked "cause we decided to debut as an actress so we will leave Diamnd too" Sophia answered her "so it means we will disbanded?" She asked again "yes and CEO Lee has a surprise once you go back to Korea" Nathalie answered "what is it?" She asked "it's a secret Hye Rim so packed your things because next week is your flight" Nathalie added "okay thanks" she said

The next day after Golden Child's debut CEO Lee announced something that the fans of Diamnd disappointed.

Song Hye Rim of Diamnd left the group, also the other members because they decided to debut
as an actress so Diamnd will be disbanded.

"Noona is it true that Hye Rim will leave Diamnd?" I asked noona "eo it's true but sajangnim said that he has a surprise to us" noona said "what is it?" I asked "I don't know" she said "hey noona, Bo Min looked at this it has another news" Joo Chan hyung said and he let us see his phone

Former member of Diamnd, Song Hye Rim will back to Korea next week according to their
CEO. So the fans are excited to see her again.

"Is it true that she will back here?" I asked "let's find out" noona said and walked away we just follow her behind, and then we reached the CEO'S office and noona entered the office so we entered too.

I entered the CEO's office and asked sajangnim if the news is true "Soo Yoon what are you doing here?" Sajangnim asked "I want to confirm if the news is true" I said "yes it's true" "that's the first surprise and I have one another surprise to you" sajangnim said "what do you mean sajangnim?" I asked "I will tell you once she get back here" he said "okay sajangnim" I said "ahh by the way next week you will know who is your group mates" he said "okay sajangnim I will go now" I said and bowed to him "noona what is sajangnim mean that it is the first surprise?" He asked "I don't know we will find out once Hye Rim get back here" I said "I'm so excited to see her again" he said "well she is not excited to see you" Joo Chan said and I punch his arm "yah do you know that when we are in America she always want to go back here" I said to Joo Chan "I'm just kidding" he said "ehem I'm still here" Bo Min said "I know that you still here because Hye Rim said to you that always to follow me right?" I said to him "nae noona" he said

Today is our day off so I went to our house once I entered the house I saw Yun Hyeong hyung and he is holding my noona's hand! "Hyung what are you doing here?" I asked him "ahh Bo Min-ah, Yun Hyeong is my boyfriend" noona said "what since when? Who else know these? Why you didn't tell me?" I asked them "well we will celebrate our 1st year tomorrow, and Hye Rim knows this and also we didn't tell you because you are very busy" hyung said to me "what! Hye Rim knows this?" I asked again "yeah" they both said "she didn't tell me" I said "because we tell her that don't tell you" noona said "aish so mom knows this too right so I'm the one who did not know" I said and they just nodded "ahh I hate you noona" I said and they laughed "Bo Min are you going with us to meet Hye Rim at the airport next week" hyung said "nae hyung!" I said happily "Bo Min is blushing" noona teased me again "when will you stop teasing me huh?" "Never" she said and I walk to my room. I am now staring at our picture when we are still a kid "she is still beautiful" I said "ahhh I can't wait to see her again I hope next week will come soon" I said to my self, and then I got a missed call from Hye Rim? "o my god when did she call me" I looked at my phone and it's 5 minutes ago, so I decided to call her "hello Hye Rim I'm sorry I didn't pick your call" I said to her "it's okay oppa by the way, unnie said to me that you found that unnie is my brother's girlfriend" she said "yes, and how dare you didn't tell me about that" I said with angry voice "hahaha, mian oppa they said to me that I will not tell you about that" I said "no it's okay" I said "okay oppa I need to hung up now I'm sleepy" she said "arasso see you next week, good night and I love you" I said "good night and I love you too" she said and she ended the call

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