Chapter 22

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I woke up cause my alarmed clock is ringing non stop, when I look at the time it is 7 in the morning and I prepared my self cause the conference will start at exactly 10 in the morning. I walk to my bathroom and start showering after I wear my white short and pink t-shirt and walk to the kitchen. I saw unnie cooking so I approach her "morning unnie" I said "morning Hye Rim, do you want to help me?" Unnie asked and I nodded we cooked a bacon, egg, rice, coffee and milk "Hye Rim I will wake up first the members" unnie said "nae unnie, I will prepare the foods" I said. After I put the utensils on the table I heard that Soo Yoon unnie's phone suddenly vibrate "good morning Hye Rimie" unnies said "good morning unnies, Soo Yoon unnie, I think someone texted you" I said "ahh okay thank you" she said and took the phone

I took my phone and I saw that there's a lot of notifications

12 messages
30 missed calls

I decide to check first the message from mom

From: 어마
          Soo Yoon-ah I read the rumors, are you okay?

To: 어마
          I'm okay omma, later we will have a conference

After I read and replied my mom's message I decided to read Jun Hoe oppa's message

From: Sassy Jun Hoe oppa
          Hey! I heard about the rumor, are you okay now? Mino hyung and Yoyo hyung are worried about Hye Rim is she okay? And also auntie and me is very worried about you

Jun Hoe oppa is vey caring and protective but sometimes naughty

To: Sassy Jun Hoe oppa
          Me and Hye Rim are okay oppa don't worry about us, sajangnim said that we don't have to be worry

I decided not to read Joo Chan's message yet cause later I will see him "hey unnie, let's eat first" Ji Yeon said


After we eat breakfast Eun Bi unnie and Min Ri washed the dishes and Hae Seong and maknae lines are watching while me I'm preparing for the conference. I wore my pants and long sleeve, when I went downstairs Hye Rim is still in her shorts and still watching "Hye Rim-ah get change sajangnim will be here soon" I said "nae unnie" she said and ran to her room

While I'm watching Soo Yoon unnie suddenly called me "Hye Rim-ah get change sajangnim will be here soon" unnie said "nae unnie" I said and ran downstairs. Once I'm in my room I pick my white pants and blue long sleeve when I went downstairs sajangim is already there "are you ready Soo Yoon and Hye Rim?" Sajangnim asked and we nodded "sajangnim can we go there too?" Chae Won unnie asked "yes of course" he said "thank you sajangnim" they said

When we reached the venue Golden Child members and their manager are already there "morning girls" they greeted Joo Chan oppa and Bo Min oppa  walk toward us "are you nervous?" They asked "a little bit" we said "guys get ready, we will start soon" sajangnim said "let's go" oppa said

After a minute the conference already start "CEO Lee is it true that the 4 of your artist are dating?" One of the reporters asked and we looked at each other "uhm yes it is true, but I let them cause they are happy with each other" sajangnim said "so the rumor is true? Since when?" the other reporters asked "uhm I think the members will answer that question" sajangnim said "me and Hye Rim almost 5 years" oppa said "how bout you Joo Chan and Soo Yoon?" The same reporter asked "me and Soo Yoon noona almost 3 years" Joo Chan oppa said and we heard the fans are cheering "uhm, actually Bo Min and Hye Rim are already engaged" sajangnim said and the cheering of the fans are getting louder "were so happy of that, we ship you the most" the fans said and we smiled

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