Chapter 11

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"Bong Jae Hyun!" the two girls shouted I turned to see who was calling me and shocked at the same time because it's my best friend "Soo Yoon, Hye Rim" I said and hugged them "wait what are you doing guys here?" I asked "well we are the one who will asked you that, what are you doing here?" Soo Yoon noona asked "answer me first" I said "well yesterday is our concert oppa, how about you?" Hye Rim asked "I am a trainee here in woollim" I said "really, yehey" Hye Rim said and hugged me but after 2 seconds she break it

So Jae Hyun hyung is the one that they are talking about "really, yehey" she said and hugged hyung but she saw me that I was looking at her so she let go Jae Hyun hyung "Oppa where is Nathalie and Sophia?" She asked me "ahh they are in the Nit Café" I said to her then the other hyungs are back "bunny oppa" Hye Rim and noona shouted "yah can you stop calling me bunny?" Y hyung asked "even our seniors are calling you bunny, hahaha" Dae Yeol hyung said "it's okay oppa even you are a bunny your cute too" she said and pinching his cheeks "yah Hye Rim-ah stop flirting with Y hyung" I said  and push her close to me and she is pouting how cute "aww our maknea is jealous" other hyungs are teasing me and I pout and then Nathalie and Sophia entered the room "girls one more practice and we can go now" their leader said and the other 3 girls are just nodding "oppa wait for me here please..." She said while doing a aegyo "arasso I will wait for you and don't do the aegyo in other guy okay" I said and she nodded but before she going to her position she immediately kiss my cheeks and run away "ohhh Bo Min is blushing" and once again my hyungs are teasing me again "when will you stop teasing me? You are like my noona she always tease me" I said "by the way Joo Chan and Bo Min you can go home for tonight and tomorrow right hyung?" Jae Seok hyung asked Dae Yeol hyung "ahhh nae" he said

"Good job guys" Sophia said after the practice, I quickly put my water, phone, wallet, towel and my mini electric fan to my bag and went to oppa "kaja?" He asked "nae oppa" and then when we are about to walk outside the building we saw a girl "hi Bo Min oppa" the girl said "hi" he said "who is she oppa?" I asked him "I'm his best friend but soon to be girlfriend right oppa" she said "what are you talking about?" Oppa asked her "how about you who are you?" She asked me "I'm..." I didn't finish my word because Bo Min oppa cut my word "my girlfriend" he said "and soon to be my wife right Rimie" he added and the girl walked away while crying "who is she?" I asked "she's just my friend" he said "okay" I replied "why you asked?" He asked but I didn't answer him and continue walking "aww my princess is jealous" he said "no I'm not" I said to him but he just ruffle my hair "you're so cute when you get jealous let's eat ice cream my treat" he said "I said I'm not jaelous" I said to him and punch his arm lightly "whatever" he said and wrapped his arms on my shoulder. We reached the ice cream parlor and we ordered an ice cream after that we sit on a vacant sit "how did you met Jae Hyun hyung?" Oppa asked me "um I met him 2 years ago" I said


2 years ago when Soo  Yoon, Hye Rim and Jae Hyun first met. Starting that day Jae Hyun is always there for them since the boys are in the Korea

The bell rang so I went to Soo Yoon unnie's room and asked her if it's okay to eat with her since I don't have any friends in our new school even though I am an idol. "Unnie let's go it's my treat today since you treat yesterday" I said "okay" after we ordered our food we went to the garden since that is the place we went during recess time when we reached the garden we saw a unfamiliar guy "unnie do you know him" I asked unnie "anni" she said "let's greet him" I said and unnie is just nodding "hi are you new here?" I asked him "ahh yes I am" he said "um do you have any friends here?" Unnie asked "no I don't have" he said "so from now on the three of us are friends if it's okay with you" I asked him "really? Thank you so much by the way I'm Bong Jae Hyun I'm 13 years old" he said "I'm Yoon Soo Yoon 14 years old" unnie said "I'm Song Hye Rim 12 years old" I said "ohh so you're a korean" he said "um yes" unnie said "you has the same age of our best friend in Korea" I said "oh really" he said but we became sad "why?" He asked "because we didn't see them for a months now" I said "ahh that's why but don't worry I will take care of you since they are in Korea" he said "really thank you" we said


While we are eating an ice cream I received a message from our leader "Hye Rim tomorrow we will go back to America so packed your things" she said "uhm oppa we will go back to America tomorrow" I said "huh? Why so early?' He asked "I'm sorry oppa but we will have a comeback once we get back to America" I said "then let's make this night for us, I will go to your house okay" he said "nae oppa"

While we were walking I received a massage from our leader "we will go back to America tomorrow" "uhm Joo Chan can you stay at my house?" I asked him "nae noona, why?" He asked "tomorrow we will go back to America" I said "why so fast? But I will stay at your house noona" he said

We reached Soo Yoon's house and we saw her mom and her cousin "annyeong tita, hyung" I said "annyeong Joochanie" both of them said "omma were going to my room now" noona said "arasso" her mom said

"Sit here first I will change my clothes" she said, I nodded after she went to the bathroom I saw that there's a lot of picture of me and her here when we are still a kid I took one of the picture frame and the picture was our first anniversary as a friend "what are you looking at?" "Kamchagiya" I said "nothing the picture of our first anniversary as a friend" I said "ahh that" she said "Soo Yoon let's have a movie marathon please" I said "okay I will get a food downstairs okay" she said "okay" after she left I get a CD and put it in the DVD player "here's the food" she said "uhm noona can we cuddle for the whole night because you're leaving me again for how many years" I said "okay" and that I pull her hand and now we are close to each other "I love you noona" I said and kiss her forehead "I love you too Joochanie" she said and she pecked on my lips

It's been 2 hours since we start to watch the movie but noona is sleeping already she must be tired and then I felt a little bit sleepy too so I sleep on noona's bed with her "good night Soo Yoon" I said and have a pecked on her lips

I woke up early and I feel a hand on my waist I took a glance on my right side and I saw that Joo Chan is sleeping while hugging me, I took my phone and saw that it's still 4 am so I took a sleep again but this time I hugged Joo Chan back

I woke up and I see noona is hugging me I put her hair behind her ear but then she slowly open her eyes "good morning jagi" I said, she smiled "good morning" she said then she stood up "let's have a breakfast" she said and I nodded and hold her hand

"June-yah can you wake up your cousin" auntie said "no need to wake her up auntie" I said "ohh what a cute couple" auntie and I said "you two are matched to each other" auntie said "ahh by the way Soo Yoon I put your things on your luggage" auntie added "thanks mom" she said "let's ate breakfast I'm hungry" I said

We went to the dining room to eat breakfast, after that I decided to take a shower because our flight will be at 11 am, after that I wear my black skinny jeans whit white long sleeves and I put my cap on my head after that I wear my sneakers and took my sling bag. I went downstairs and saw Hye Rim, Bo Min, and Joo Chan sitting on the couch "why so early Hye Rim?" I asked her

"Why so early Hye Rim?" Unnie asked "our flight is 9 am right?" I said "I thought it's 11 am" she said "what ever you say Soo Yoon" June oppa said "you shut up" unnie said "let's go now before you will be late on your flights" June oppa said, then we went on the car and oppa started the engine.

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