Chapter 4

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While we are walking we talked about stuffs and us expected Joo Chan was so talkative and also Bo Min. Why are the boys are always talkative? When we reached Hye Rim's house she knocked the door

*Knock Knock*
And then one boy opened the door and it's seems familiar to me

"Yun Hyeong oppa?" I asked with a shocked face then suddenly Mino oppa appeared at the back of Yun Hyeong oppa

"Yun Hyeong oppa?" The girl said "Soo Yoon" me and Mino hyung said "You know her oppa?" Hye Rim asked "Do you remember June?" I asked, she just nodded "She's his cousin" I said to her she seemed shock "But why are two seemed different to him unnie? He's so talkative and you are so quiet?" Hye Rim asked "Because were just cousin not siblings" Soo Yoon said "Hahaha" all of us laughed

"Hahaha" all of us laughed, Soo yoon is smiling I love her smile. I have a crush on Soo Yoon since I first met her. Do you want to know we first met?


When Mino, Yun Hyeong and June auditioned at YG Entertainment, they decided to make a group. After the audition they decided to go to June's house. When they reached June's house they entered the house and saw a beautiful long black haired girl which is Soo Yoon.

I was surprised to see that girl, is she's June's girlfriend?

"June yah! Who's that girl?" I asked "Why do you like her?" He said "No I'm just asking" I said "Soo Yoon-ah come here" he called the girl, he wrapped his arms around her shoulder "By the way guys this is my cousin, Yoon Soo Yoon" he said "Nice to meet you Soo Yoon-ah" me and Yun Hyeong greeted her "Nice to meet you to oppas" she bowed politely "Can I ask, what is your name?" She asked "I'm Song Mino and this is my younger brother Song Yun Hyeong" I said "Ahhh ok" she said


"Oppa please make us a food please...." I said to Yun Hyeong oppa "Arasso dongsaeng" he said "Oppas, unnie let's go to my room" I said and they nodded

"There's a lot of pictures of you and Bo Min here" Joo Chan oppa said "Ah, nae, oppa and I are childhood friends" I said
"Then it means that you two are meant to be" Soo Yoon unnie said "Why unnie?" I asked "Because you're childhood friend duh" she said while rolling her eyes "So it means that were meant to be" Joo Chan oppa said "Why?" Unnie asked
"Because were childhood friend" oppa said "Shut up" unnie said while blushing, Bo Min oppa and I are laughing at them

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