Bonus Chapter: Group Chat

17 1 0

Golden Child x Glam

CuteMaknae: Rimie, are you done packing?
ChoiRimie: who is this?
HongSoo: I know right. And who is the one who created this?
LoveYoon: actually it's our idea
CuteMaknae: it's me Rimie, your husband
ChoiRimie: oh Bo Min oppa. But who is HongSoo?
HongSoo: it's me Hye Rim, Soo Yoon and I don't know why is that my name
ChoiRimie: well I think I know who is the one who put the nickname on you unnie
HongSoo: who?
LoveYoon: me
HongSoo: who are you?
LoveYoon: you're handsome fiancé
ChoiRimie: hahahaha😄😄
LoveYoon: Hye Rim, how dare you!
CuteMaknae: hyung don't you ever shout on my wife
LeaderYeol: ehem guys we're here
YBunny: you're so loud guys. I can't even sleep
EunMom: then put you're phone on airplane mode YBunny
YBunny: yah! Who are you to call me that?
EunMom: can't I call you that name?
YBunny: aish, who set my nickname?
LoveYoon: me hyung
YBunny: aish!! Joo Chan! 😠😠😠😡
LoveYoon: how did you know my name?
YBunny: it's obvious on your nickname
CuteMaknae: why is Rimie is so silent?
ChoiRimie: sorry guys, but my little sis is sleeping. I'm her brother
CuteMaknae: mianhe hyung
ChoiRimie: it's okay. Bye

~ChoiRimie is offline~

MaknaeChoi: hyungs and noonas, Su Yun, and Ji Yeon did you pack your things already?
LeaderYeol: not yet
LoveYoon: not yet
HongSoo: done
YBunny: not yet
Yeonie: done
JiDunmb: not yet
EunMom: done
PocketSeung: done
AegyoSeung: done
BongVely: done
FairyDong: not yet
AngelChae: done
CrazyJang: not yet
MinMin: done
SonTaek: done
MachineSu: done
CuteMaknae: woah all of the Glam members are done. So the members who are not done yet packed your things now cause next week is our flight
LeaderYeol: nae maknae. Thanks for reminding
CuteMaknae: welcome hyung
HongSoo: congrats Bo Min
CuteMaknae: thanks noona
HongSoo: to all Glam members sleep now cause it's already 10
~seen by all:~

~HongSoo, Yeonie, MinMin, MachineSu, AegyoSeung, EunMom, AngelChae are offline~

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