Chapter 7

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1 year later
Hye Rim snd Soo Yoon became a big star in America, both of them are part of the girl group named DIAMND also they are very busy in their schedules but they have a time to talk to the two boys.

After practicing I checked my phone and there is a message from oppa "how are you?" He asked "I'm fine oppa" I replied to him, but suddenly our manager came in and said "Girls you will go to Korea for a concert next year because you will having a comeback as soon as possible" he said suddenly we became noisy "Oppa we will go to Korea but next year because we will having a comeback this year so we will be busy😔" I said "Really? see you soon princess" he said

"Oppa we will go to Korea but next year because we will having a comeback this year so we will be busy😔" she said "Really you will back here in Korea?😍" I said "yes oppa but next year😥" she replied "It's okay at least you will back and I can see you again. See you soon my princess😉😍" I said "thanks oppa for understanding see you soon" she said "I love you❤️❤️" I said "I love you too oppa❤️❤️" she replied. I rolled and jumped on my bed until I fell on the ground "Ouch" I said

"Joo Chan-ah were going to Korea next year" I texted him "Really noona? I'm excited to see you again see you next year" he said "Me too see you soon" I replied "Unnie did you texted Joo Chan oppa?" Hye Rim asked "Nae, how about you? Did you text Bominie?" I asked "Nae, unnie" she said happily

"Yehey I will able to meet Soo Yoon again" I said to my self "But what if she has a boyfriend? no, no, no she doesn't have one" "Joo Chan-ah your friend is here" mom said "Nae omma I will go there" I said "Bo Min-ah what's up?" I said to him "Hyung did noona said to you that they will back here?" He asked, and I nodded "I'm excited to see them again" both of us said "but according to Hye Rim they will back next year because they have a comeback" Bo Min said "It's okay at least they will back" I said to him

After 1 year of waiting this is the time that Hye Rim and Soo Yoon will go back to Korea and this is the time also to meet their family and the boys. At the dorm the girls are excitedly packing their things they are excited because they will get see how beautiful the Korea is. Meanwhile at the boys dorms the boys are woke up early because they are so happy to see the girls again.

This is the time that we were going back to Korea I am excited to see oppa again. I am currently now on my room packing my things, after that I took a shower and wear my clothes. I wear a pastel pink dress which is above my knees and I wore my white sneakers, but suddenly unnie entered my room "you looked gorgeous on that dress Hye Rim, are you excited?" She asked "of course unnie I'm excited" I said to her "here wear this or you might get cold" she handed me a mask "thanks unnie" I said "welcome, now let's go downstairs Sophia and Nathalie are waiting for us there" she said, I nodded

After 5 minutes we arrived at the airport "girls were your masks now" our leader Sophia said "okay" the 3 of us said once we are inside the airport we took a sit first and wait to arrived our airplane "are you texting Bo Min again?" I asked Hye Rim who is busy on her phone "no I'm texting omma" she said "ahh okay" i replied, "girls let's go the plane is here already" Sophia said

20 hours and 30 minutes later

After how many hours we finally arrived in Korea, and as expected at the waiting area there are a lots of fans are waiting for us and then we saw Joo Chan and Bo Min talking to each other "Sophia you can go first we need to meet someone" Hye Rim said "okay but make sure to back before 6 pm okay?" She said, we nodded and then I heard Bo Min is shouting our name and we headed to them and waved our hands to them

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