Chapter 12

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We arrived at the airport, and when we went inside the airport we heard that the plane that Hye Rim's will take a ride is being called we immediately hugged the girls "you will leave me again" I said "don't worry oppa we will back" she said "promise?" I took out my pinky finger "promise" and she connect it with her pinky finger "you did not put off the ring that I gave you" I said then she smiled "girls we need to go now" their leader said "good bye Hye Rim I love you" I said "I love you too oppa" she said, but before she is turning around I quickly grabbed her hand and kissed her lips and her members was shocked including their manager and hyung "I love you take care" I said

We were already inside the plane and I sat beside Soo Yoon unnie "what did you do yesterday night?" She asked "uhm we go to an ice cream parlor, after that we went to an arcade and he got me a teddy bear" I said "so childish" unnie said "also he went to our house and we watched a movies" I said "same to you" unnie said


30 minutes ago since the airplane left the Korea and went to the America and the girls fell asleep

I woke up because Hye Rim's phone is ringing and I don't know who was it because it written " 보민 오빠" and I don't know how to read a Korean letters so I answer it
[Hye Rim-ah why you didn't pick up my calls?] ~ in korean
Hello this is Nathalie, Hye Rim is sleeping, may I know who are you?
[oh Nathalie, this is Bo Min i'm sorry if I awake you]
No it's okay, wait Hye Rim is awake now

"Hey Hye Rim your boyfriend is on the line" I said to her, she take the phone "thank you" she said

[Hye Rim-ah bogosipoyo]
Nado bogosipoyo, how was Joo Chan oppa?
[you're not going to ask your boyfriend first?]
Aish I'm worried about Joo Chan oppa
Because what if he will be your punching bag again?
[h-how did you know?]
Oppa said to me hahaha, Don't be like that again okay bye I love you

And I ended the call I hope he will not do that to oppa again

"Hye Rim-ah please come back here please your boyfriend is always punching me" he said "I will talk to him oppa" I said "thanks Hye Rim" he said

"Hyung" Bo Min said while crying, I hugged him and he is punching my arm "Bo Min-ah appo!" I said to him "Hye Rim-ah" he said and still punching my arms "Hye Rim-ah!! Noona!!! Help!!!" I'm screaming in my mind


"I think Bo Min is punching Joo Chan again" unnie said "and Joo Chan oppa is screaming our names too" I said and both of us laughed

20 hours and 10 minutes later

We arrived at the airport and as expecting many fans are waiting for us once we go out to the airplane the fans are going crazy and I'm happy because the guard are doing their work they guide us until we get on the car, after 5 minutes of riding we reached our dorm "girls our manager gave us a one week of rest before we get ready for our comeback okay" our leader said "yes Sophia" we all said and went to our respective rooms after I unpacked my things I immediately took my phone and try to call oppa and luckily he picked up his phone

Oppa we reached our dorm and our manager gave us a week to rest
[really then it's nice but tomorrow is Monday right so you are going to school tomorrow]
Nae oppa but it's okay at least we will not have a practice this week
[okay don't forget sleep early and eat healthy foods okay]
Nae oppa I will
[Hye Rim-ah I need to hang up now we will start a training period]
Arasso oppa bye
[bye too I love you]
I love you too oppa

And with that he ended the call I peck on my watch and it's still early so I decided to take a sleep. When I woke up it's already 6 am so I took my towel and went to the bathroom after I took a shower I wear my uniform and head downstairs to eat breakfast and my unnies are already there "good morning" I greeted them "good morning Hye Rim" they said. "Hye Rim and Soo Yoon after your classes get back here okay, let's bonding first before we going busy next week okay" Sophia said "yes Sophia" I and unnie said "unnie let's go now" I said "bye girls" Nathalie said and we waved our hands to them. After 5 minutes of walking we finally reached our school "see you on recess time" unnie said

While I'm heading to my classroom my phone is ringing I took my phone and it's June oppa I pressed the green bottom

Hello oppa miss me?
[anni I have something to tell you]
What is it?
[we will going to debut this year]
Really oppa congrats
[thanks and by the way Yun Hyeong hyung is one of the member too]
Really Hye Rim will be proud to her brother
[eo he is excited to tell this to her sister]
Ahh okay oppa I need to hang up now I'm in my classroom now bye oppa

And after I put my phone on my bag our teacher came in and we started the lesson

"Hye Rim-ah kaja" I said "ahh unnie I have something to tell you" she said "okay what is it?" I asked "Yun Hyeong oppa will be debuting this year!" She said "ahh so oppa tell you well June oppa too" I said "wow I'm excited for their debut" she said "me too"

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