Chapter 16

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"I'm home" I said "Hye Rim!" Jin Young oppa shouted and hugged me "bogoshipo my little sis" he said "nado bogoshipo oppa" I said "hi Hye Rim" unnie said "unnie" I said and hugged her "long time no see, did you missed me?" She asked "nae" I said "hey! kids the food is ready" omma shouted from the kitchen "nae omma" the 4 of us said "kaja" I said "mom they will sleep here" I said "okay, your room is ready" mom said "thanks mom" "Bo Min when will you going to propose to my daughter?" Appa asked Oppa "appa!" I said "soon uncle" he said "don't call me uncle just call me appa too since you're my future son-in-law" appa said "can't wait to have my grand children" I choked on what appa said "appa" and all of them laughed and I pouted "yeah, me too I'm excited to see my future nephew and niece" Mino oppa said and I send him a death glare "yah our princess is still young" Jin Young oppa said "thanks oppa" I said "but you're right hyung can't wait to see my nephew and niece" "oppa!" "Why don't you tell that to Yun Hyeong oppa besides they are in right age" I said but they just ignored me

Hye Rim is teasing her family just because I said to them that I will propose to her soon "can't wait to see my son and daughter" I whispered to her and she punch my arms hardly "appo!" I shouted and all of them are staring at me now "mianhe" I said. After the dinner we decided to do a movie marathon in Hye Rim's room.

After 3 hours and 50 minutes we finally done watching and I looked at Hye Rim who is sleeping and her head is on my shoulder, I carried her a bridal style and put her on her bed "hyung I will sleep now" I said and he nodded, I hugged her tight and after 10 seconds I fell a sleep

When I woke up I can feel that someone staring at me while his hands on my waist, I looked at my right and saw Bo Min  oppa "morning princess" he said "why am I here, I thought I fell a sleep not here" I said "do you think I will let you sleep on the floor it's too cold so I carried you here" he said "thanks" "Hye Rim-ah hug me please...." He said and then I hugged him back "Hye Rim. Opps I think I ruined your moment" Jin Young oppa said, and we both looked at him, "food is ready" he said and we get out from the bed

We walk downstairs and saw my family including Joo Chan oppa, Soo Yoon and Shin Young unnie on the dining table "so you already woke up?" Mino oppa said "no we didn't that's why were here" I said "yah the two of you can you stop fighting?" Yun Hyeong oppa said and I rolled my eyes on Mino oppa.

The fight between the Song's siblings are starting again but their parents didn't care about it. "They are so cute when they are fighting" Joo Chan said "shh they can hear you" I said and he shut his mouth. After we done eating we watched on the living room and Hye Rim and I were shocked because sajangnim already said to the public that were going to debut

               Woollim's CEO announced that they will having a new girl group    
               next year and he also announced that the two former member of   
               DIAMND will be part of a new girl group. The members are Yoon    
               Soo Yoon as a leader, Kwon Eun Bi, Park Min Ri, Ahn Hae Seong,
               Kim Chae Won, Kim Su Yun, Lee Ji Yeon, and Song Hye Rim.

"Wow so you will going to debut again Soo Yoon and Hye Rim?" Yun Hyeong oppa said and we nodded "I'm so proud to the two of you" Mino oppa said as he wrapped his arm around our shoulder "Jun Hoe must be proud of you Soo Yoon" Yun Hyeong oppa said "hey what if we go to the amusement park, let's bonding together because I'm sure next week you will be very busy" Shin Young unnie said "but I'm afraid to the rides noona" Bo Min said "me too" Hye Rim said "it's okay" Joo Chan said "so let's go?" "Nae" all of us said

We are now at the amusement park and we decided to ride the roller coaster but the two maknae are nowhere to be seen "where are the two of them?" Jin Young said "busy collecting a toys" Joo Chan and I said "so childish" Yun Hyeong oppa said "let them be since they are still young" unnie said "Soo Yoon-ah let's buy that headband" Joo Chan said and we went to the headband store

"Kids these days, they always left their oppas/unnies" Mino hyung said "Yun Hyeong-ah let's buy a cotton candy" Shin Young noona said and they went to the cotton camdy vendor "I thought were going to bonding why they left us?" I asked "I don't know" he said "it is because we are the only one who doesn't have a girlfriend yet" I said "just let them, I"m sure starting next week they will not have a time for each other" hyung said "oppas, Bo Min oppa got me a teddy bear" Hye Rim said "aigoo you're being so cute again" I said and pinch her cheeks "appo oppa" she said "mianhe" "Hye Rim-ah wear this" Soo Yoon noona said "thanks unnie" she said "welcome"

After a many rides that can break my heart. Soo Yoon noona, Joo Chan hyung, Shin Young noona, Yun Hyeong hyung, Hye Rim and I decided to ride the ferris wheel by partners. Hye Rim and I, Soo Yoon noona and Joo Chan hyung, Shin Young noona and Yun Hyeong hyung. "Wow it's so beautiful" Hye Rim said "yeah, I hope this will happen again" I said "Hye Rim-ah" I said and she turned to me "hmm?" She said and I hold her chin "I love you" I said "I love you too" she said and by that I kissed her lips and after a minute we broke the kiss and we hugged each other.


I suddenly woke up because I can feel that someone splash a cold water on my face when I looked around I saw my big sister standing there with a bucket on her hand "why did you that noona?" I asked her "here looked at this" she gave me her phone and it says that we will having a comeback and also the date of Glam's debut

               Woollim's new girl group will be named as a Glam and they will having their debut on
               February 1, 2018 at exactly 6:00 pm KST. Also Woollim entertainment announced that Golden
               Child will having their 1st comeback on January 29, 2018.

"Maybe asked Hye Rim for a date since next week you will be both busy on your schedules" noona said "nae noona" I said

When I woke up I received a tect message from Bo Min oppa "princess can I pick you later at your house we will go somewhere" "arasso oppa" I replied "thanks I will pick you at 2 pm, see you" he said

TIME SKIP: 1:30 pm
I wore my black skirt and a white sleeve less and my sandal when I'm going downstairs I heard that someone is knocking the door so I open it "oppa" I said "you ready" "nae" "let's go" he said and I nodded after a minute of driving we finally reached our destination "why did you bring me here oppa?" I asked "we are going to picnic here" he said "really?" I asked again and he nodded "thanks oppa" I said and hugged him.

When we already done fixing the food I sat up and oppa lie down on my knee and I caressed his hair "Hye Rim?" He called "hmmm?" "let's stay like this for a while okay" he said "nae oppa". An hour passed and we decided to get back home since it's already getting dark "good bye princess" he said "good bye oppa"

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