Chapter 25

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2 months after and Glam and Golden Child already having their comeback and soon they will be taping their variety show next week together with their iKON sunbaenim. But Hye Rim and Bo Min are still the same, they didn't talk to each other until now.

It's been 2 months since the last time I talk to oppa, I miss him so much. While I am walking towards our dressing room I saw Bo Min oppa is walking with a girl, so I didn't approach him. Once I got to the dressing room I saw my unnies preparing for our performance "Hye Rim-ah did you get the chance to talk to Bo Min?" Unnie asked but I shook my head "you should apologize to him Hye Rim, it's already July and your wedding is getting near" she said "but I try unnie" I said "what if I will break up with him?" I asked "are you crazy Hye Rim! You will get married to him this December and you want to break up with him?! Do you want to lost your 5 years together as a couple?" Unnie asked "but I think he's happy without me" I said "that's only your thought Hye Rim" "don't worry I will help you to talk to him" unnie said and hugged me "now prepare yourself first" "nae unnie"

I'm so pity for Hye Rim she barely eat food and sleep well after her argument with Bo Min, she always busy herself just to forget her argument with Bo Min. While I'm walking towards Golden Child's dressing room I saw Joo Chan "Joo Chan-ah where's Bo Min?" I asked "in the dressing room. Why Soo Yoon?" He asked "Hye Rim wants to talk to him but she doesn't have a guts to talk to him" I said "ahh then let's go to our dressing room" he said. When we reached the dressing room I saw Bo Min sitting there "Bo Min-ah let's talk" I said to him "okay noona" he said. We talked outside the building "Bo Min don't you have a plan to talk to her?" I asked him "she is the one who don't want to talk to me noona" he said "she wants to talk to you the day after she got mad at you but she doesn't have a gut. Please Bo Min-ah give her a chance, she always work and she barely eat foods and  sleep too" I said "Bo Min-ah please your wedding is getting nearer. Convinced her that you are not happy without her cause I know you are always sad, your hyung said to me that you are not the Bo Min that they know. And also convinced her that she doesn't need to break up with you" I added "what?" "She wants to break up with you cause she thinks you are happy without her" I said "I will try noona" he said "thank you Bo Min" I said and went back to our dressing room

1 week later

This is the time that we will be shooting our variety show with iKON sunbaenim. "Hye Rim are you okay?" Yun Hyeong oppa asked "nae oppa" "Yun Hyeong hyung" his members shouted "oh Hye Rim" "annyeong sunbaenim" I said "annyeong" they said "ah Hye Rim-ah did you see my dongsaeng?" Dong Hyuk oppa said "Dong Hyun oppa? I think he's with his members oppa" I said "ahh kamsahamnida" he said and I smiled. After an hour I decided to be alone I sat on the bench which I saw the beauty of Seoul, I took my notebook and pen, I started to write a lyrics on it.

After these past years
I will let you go
I know that you are not happy with me
Even though it hurts me a lot
I will let you go
Because I want you to be happy
I hope you will find you're happines

"Writing a song?" I startled when someone talk "ahh Han Bin oppa" I said "what are you doing here alone?" He asked "uhm, just writing a song" I said "alone?" "Yes, because I can get an idea when I'm alone" I said "woah same with me" he said and I smiled

It's been an hour since Hye Rim and Han Bin hyung are missing "gosh where is Hye Rim?" Soo Yoon noona said panicking "Soo Yoon-ah relax. I think Hye Rim and Han Bin hyung are with each other" Jun Hoe hyung said while comforting noona "guys, they are here" Y hyung said and Yun Hyeong hyung and Soo Yoon noona immediately go to her "my gosh Hye Rim where did you go?" They both asked her "don't worry I'm with Han Bin oppa" she said "thank you Han Bin for staying with my sister" he said "no problem she's alone there while writing a song" B.I hyung said. I just staring at her while noona and hyung talking to her and then we make an eye contact and she smiled at me and looked away but the smile on her face was a sad smile, I felt guilty because I didn't talk to her for the past months "Bo Min-ah is this yours?" Joo Chan hyung said and handed me a paper and there's a written on it, it says

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