Chapter 6

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"Bo Min-ah where's Hye Rim?" Hyung asked me "They are in woollim" I said "With?" He asked again "With Soo Yoon noona" I said "Hey Soo Yoon noona texted me, she said that she and Hye Rim will go to America next week" Hyung said "But she didn't tell me about this" I said, then suddenly my phone vibrating and it means that it has a message, I open it and saw that Hye Rim texted me "Meet me at the park, after school" she said "Arasso" I replied to her

I went to the park and saw Hye Rim sitting on the bench "Hi Hye Rim" I greeted her, she stood up and hugged me

"Hi Hye Rim" I heard oppa's voice and I hugged him "I will miss him" I said to my self "What's wrong Hye Rim?" He asked but I shook my head "I will miss you oppa" I said "I will miss you too" he said "I have something to tell you" he said "What it is oppa?" I asked, he break the hug and look straight into my eyes "I like you Hye Rim" "I want you to know that before you go" oppa confessed, but wait oppa likes me back? "It's okay if you..." "I like you too oppa" I cut his word "Really? Do you like me?" He asked, I nodded for the answer, he hugged me tight and whisper "So you're mine now" he said

While I'm walking I saw Soo Yoon noona walking too so I approach her "Hi noona" I said waving my hand "Hi Joochanie" she smiled, I hugged her tight at first she seemed shocked but she hugged me back "I will miss you" both of us said

When the day is getting nearer for the both girls to leave Korea they are always sad but the two boys are always there for them to make them happy

The day for us to leave is today so I packed my things and went to the car. When I arrived in airport I saw Hye Rim and Bo Min hugging each other, and also Joo Chan is there too "Don't be sad we will back" I said to him

5 minutes later
"Hye Rim-ah we need to go now" I said to her "nae unnie" I hugged Joo Chan for the last "We will back I promise" I said and kissed his left cheek

I hugged oppa for the last time and he said "take this ring this is the sign that once you get back here I will marry you" he put the ring on my pinky finger and kissed my right cheek "nae oppa I will keep this" I said then he hugged me tightly and crying on my hair I patted his back "Hye Rim-ah we need to go now" unnie said "nae unnie" I said, and then I break the hug "We need to go now oppa" I said to him "Bye princess" and he kissed my forehead

She finally went inside the airplane the I cried harder and hyung is patted my back "don't worry they will back" hyung said and I nodded

When the girls are already inside the plane I cried but Bomin is crying harder of course his girlfriend will not be in his side for how many years, "Bo Min let's get back" I said to him

While in the car I texted Soo Yoon "have a safe flight" I texted her and Bomin's phone suddenly ringed

My phone suddenly ringed, I looked at the ID calker and it's Hye Rim "Hello Hye Rim" I said while sobbing "Are you still crying until now?" She asked "Of course why I will not crying?" I asked her "Ok oppa bye the airplane will fly now I love you" she said "I love you too, take care" I said, and she ended the call

1 year after

Hye Rim and Soo Yoon noona become a big star in America and I admit that they have a lots of fans here in Korea and their fans are requesting to their company to bring them here in Korea for a fan meeting and concert and I'm so proud of them. They deserve to be a big star because of their hard work and also their singing and dancing skill are so good. Joo Chan hyung and I are now a trainee in Woollim Entertainment our parents are pushing us to be a trainee because they said that we have a opportunity to be an idol like Hye Rim and Soo Yoon and good thing we passed the addition in their company. We met a new friends there and they are the one who always when we are sad, and yes they already know that my girlfriend is our senior Hye Rim, and they are proud of me. "Joo Chan-ah do you like someone here?" Dae Yeol hyung asked "ahh nae hyung but she is not a trainee" hyung said "nae hyung she is not a trainee because he likes Soo Yoon noona because their childhood friend" I said "ahh really? Well you look good together" Y hyung said and then Joo Chan hyung is now blushing I took my phone and take a picture of hyung "yah what are you doing?" Hyung asked me "I will sent this to noona" I said with a teasing voice "yah delete that picture" hyung said and I ran away because he is starting to chase me "yah you two why you didn't just behave huh?!" Dong Hyun hyung shouted to us and the other hyungs are looking at him. "Hey guys let's go let's eat now I'm hungry" Jang Jun hyung said "what if we'll back to our dorm and I will cook for you guys?" Jae Seok hyung asked "nae" all of us shouted, but before we can go outside the practice room sajangnim came in "guys this is the new trainee from Chicago" sajangnim said "hello my name is Bong Jae Hyun I'm korean but we moved to America 3 years ago and then moved to Chicago 2 years ago, please take care of me" he said "ahh before I forgot he is the same age with Ji Beom, Dong Hyun, and Joo Chan but he is older by month" he said "annyeong" all of us said "boys I will leave Jae Hyun to you be nice to him okay?" sajangnim said "nae sajangnim" then he leaves us "hi I'm Dae Yeol I'm the older here, and this is Y, Jae Seok, Jang Jun, TAG, Seung Min, Ji Beom, Dong Hyun, Joo Chan and the maknae Bo Min" Dae Yeol hyung said while pointing at us one by one "do you want to come with us?" I asked him "ahh sure" he said

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