Chapter 19

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I woke up early and I saw Bo Min oppa  still hugging me so I slowly get up so that he doesn't wake up and I went to my bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I went downstairs and I saw Yun Hyeong oppa is cooking so I walk near him and I back hugged him "what's wrong sis?" He asked "can't I hug my big bro?" I asked "of course you can" he said "so do you mind if you will help me to cook breakfast for everyone?" He asked again "nae oppa" I said

After we cook oppa decided to woke everyone while me preparing the food utensils and someone kissed my cheeks I turned around and saw Bo Min oppa standing there with his sleepy smile "good morning princess" he said "good morning oppa" I said "where's my morning kiss?" He asked then I kissed his cheek "ayyeeeee" our family said from upstairs and we smiled at them "let's eat breakfast" appa said and we nodded "you know what even you are not a marriage yet you are acting like a marriage couple" my mom said "I agree with you" his mom said but were pretending that we didn't hear what they're saying "yeah, why don't you get married next month" his dad said "and also we can meet our grand child" and by that we both chocked on what my dad say "see I'm right hyung they are listening" Jin Young oppa said and send him a death glare

Why are they make us feel guilty, but I also wants us to get married as soon as possible but it's Hye Rim's decision so I will respect her decision "Hyerimei, Bominie our parents wants you to get married already" noona said and all of us fell in silent and Hye Rim broke it after a few seconds "okay, December" she said and all of us looked at her "why are you looking at me? I thought you want the wedding to do as soon as possible" she said "what do you mean?" Mino hyung asked "the wedding will be held this December" she said and all of us cheered and I hugged her tight "thank you Hye Rim" I said and she just patted my back "see Bo Min we finally made her agree to do the marriage this year" Mino hyung said and Hye Rim looked at me with her angry face but I didn't feel to be scared cause I think she's cute when she gets angry, by the way that night that we watched movie we let Hye Rim to sleep first before we can have a meeting about the wedding

"So Bo Min is Hye Rim already sleeping?" Hyung asked "nae hyung" I said "good, now we will discus about how to agree her to do the wedding as soon as possible" her dad said "but our daughter will agree if she felt guilty" her mom said "were agree" and of course her 3 brothers said "so what's the plan?" My mom asked "if she will agree if she felt guilty then we will say that they are acting like a couple even though they are not married, also we want them to get married as soon as possible" noona said "wow you're so genius Shin Young" Yoyo hyung said and hug noona "yah Yun Hyeong-ah don't propose to our daughter yet, cause her little bro will get married this year" my dad said "yes sir!" He said "so that's our plan make her guilty" her dad said "we can do this" "fighting" all of us said


"So the wedding will be held on December in New York and also we already tell to our designer that we will order to them the suits and the dresses" her mom said and Hye Rim widened her eyes "so you all planed this?" She asked "mianhe" all of us said and she sighed "what will I do if I already tell that it will be held on December" she said "so you will not move again the date?" I asked "no" she said "yes!" All of us shouted

Actually I want to do wedding as soon as possible but I said that were still young. I said that cause I know they will do anything to make me agree on their plan so I played along with them and no one know about this only me. After we eat breakfast we went to Woollim building to know our schedule "annyeong sajangnim may we know if we have a schedule for December?" I asked "non but on July both of you has a comeback" sajangnim said "why do you asked?" He added "were getting married on December sajangnim" oppa said "really congrats" he said "kamsahamnida sajangnim" we said and we went out.

Before we went home we went first at Namsan Tower, we bought a heart padlock after we locked it oppa threw the key far away, after that we went to a ice cream parlor and we saw Soo Yoon unnie and Joo Chan oppa "having fun with your date?" Bo Min oppa said "oh whatare you two doing here?" Joo Chan oppa said "nothing, just want to eat ice cream" he said "so when is your wedding?" Unnie asked "on December noona" he said "wow congrats" she said "oppa we need to go" I said "okay jagi, bye noona and hyung have fun" he said "bye maknaes" they said "bye unnie, oppa" I said "let's go Hye Rim" oppa said

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