Chapter 24

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After an hour of sleeping I finally woke up due to my members noise "what happened? Why are you so noisy unnies?" I asked "hey Eun Bi unnie has a boyfriend already" Chae Won unnie said "really? Who is her boyfriend?" I asked "Y oppa" she said "really? Woah I'm so proud of you unnie" I said "thank you Hye Rimie" unnie said

"Hi guys! I'm back~" Y hyung said happily "why are you so happy hyung?" TAG hyung asked "I got a girlfriend" he said "really hyung? Woah you can feel how good has a girlfriend" I said "I know right" "by the way who is your girlfriend? Is it Eun Bi-sshi?" Dae Yeol hyung asked and he nodded "tell us the story" all of us said at the same time "okay this is the story....."


We went to my favorite place which is the amusement park and rode many rides including the ferris wheel after we finished riding almost the hole rides here we went to the bench to rest first "Eun Bi-sshi I will go to the toilet first. Wait for me here" I said to her "okay" she said. When I am walking towards the toilet I saw a flower shop there so I decided to go there "hi miss. Can I asked what is the best flower to give to the girl?" I asked "uhm what is the occasion sir?" She asked "uhm, I will just confess to her" I said "ah~ the tulips one or the roses" she said "ah okay. I will buy the rose" I said "okay sir. Here, it's 5,000 won sir" "here" I said and gave her the money "thank you sir and good luck hope she said yes" "thank you". Once I get back on the bench I saw her scrolling on her phone "u...uhm for you Eun Bi-sshi" I said and handed her the rose "thank you" she said "uhm....can I asked you something?" I said "yeah sure" she said "uhm.......will you be my.........girlfriend?" I asked "huh?" "look I like you since our trainee days. I hope you can accept me" I said "I like you too" she said "really?" She nodded and I hugged her "I love you Eun Bi-sshi" "nado"


"Woah that was so cool hyung" Joo Chan hyung said "by the way Bo Min did you get the chance to talk to Hye Rim?" Y hyung asked me "no hyung" I said "maybe she needs a time" hyung said "maybe" "tomorrow we will have a recording for our next comeback" Dae Yeol hyung said "nae hyung"

NEXT DAY!!!!!!!

We go to the recording room and we saw that someone is using it and we enter the room only to see Hae Seung noona in the front and the other members are in the side "what are you doing here?" Jang Jun hyung asked Min Ri noona "were recording" she said "then where's Soo Yoon and Hye Rim?" He asked and then noona pointed at the front "again" Hye Rim said and noona felt nervous and she started to sing again "again" she said again "oh my god Hye Rim starting to be strict again" Chae Won noona said "is she like that during your recording?" Jae Hyun hyung asked "nae and also Soo Yoon unnie" she said "okay that's good unnie, next" Hye Rim said "it's my turn" Ji Yeon said "fighting Ji Yeonie" Dong Hyun and Jang Jun hyung said and Hye Rim looks toward us "hyungs, quiet" I said

After an hour they finally done recording "are you done recording?" Dae Yeol hyung said "nae oppa" they said "oh Hye Rim you're so cool during your recording" he said "thanks oppa" she said and walked out "guys let's record" Jang Jun hyung and TAG hyung said

While we are teaching the others about the choreography TAG oppa approach me "Hye Rim can you help us a little on recording?" "Uhm....sure oppa" I said and smiled "thank you" he said "so this is the lyrics and we need to assign a parts on the members" he said "okay oppa, uhm what if we let them try the song and if their voice is match to the song they will get the part" I said "okay that's a good idea" he said.

After an hour they finally done the recording "oppa I need to go to my members. We will be practicing the choreography" I said "okay Hye Rim. Thank you again for helping us" he said "welcome oppa" I said and walk to the door and I know that Bo Min oppa is staring at me but I didn't look at him cause I'm still mad at him

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