Chapter 21

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I woke up cause my phone is non stop ringing so I answer it

[yah! Wake up your sleepy head!]
          Wae hyung?
[you forgot we have a meeting with CEO-nim]
           What?! Wait hyung I will prepare and I will pick Hye Rim first
[no need to pick her up cause she's already here]

And hyung ended up the call 'why she didn't wait for me?' I said to my self and I look at the watch and it's already 10 in the morning! "Oh my god I'm late" I said as I run into the bathroom

After I finished showering I wear my white T-shirt and pants and also my tennis. "Where are you going?" Noona asked me "we have a meeting with CEO-nim" I said and she nodded "I gotta go now" I said and kiss my mom and sister's forehead and I walk inside the car

After a minute I already arrived at the building so I run straight to the meeting room. I open the door and revealed my members and CEO-nim "mianhe" I said and bowed "it's okay" he said and I took a seat "CEO-nim what do you want to tell us?" Dae Yeol hyung said "well next two months you will having your comeback so be prepared and Jang Jun and Young Taek can you help making a song?" CEO-nim asked and they nodded "well that's all for now since it's already 11:30 so have your lunch first and be back at exactly 12:30 understand" "nae sajangnim" we all said "hey Bo Min-ah want to come with me?" Joo Chan hyung asked "where?" I asked "to the studio room Hye Rim and Soo Yoon are there" he said "nae hyung" I said happily and the members chuckle "let's go" he said and I nodded

We reached the studio room and we saw the two girls busy with making a song, we entered the room and Hye Rim and noona looked at us "oppa!" She said and hugged me "what are you doing here?" She asked "visiting you" I said and she smiled "do you have a comeback too?" Y hyung asked "nae oppa next two months" noona answered "woah same to us" Ji Beom hyung said "so you're doing a new song?" TAG hyung said "nae oppa"Hye Rim said "did you eat already?" I asked and they shook their head "then let's eat together" Joo Chan hyung said as he put his arms on noona's shoulder but they shook their head again "why?" we asked "we need to finish this today" noona said and we pouted "arasso we will bring a food here then" I said and they smiled and I and Joo Chan hyung walk outside the room

"You're so lucky to have them as your boyfriends" Y oppa said before walking outside the room "oppa is right" unnie said and I nodded and I heard my phone is ringing

          Hello ~in english
[Hye Rim I miss you]
          I miss you too Sophia, by the way why did you call?
[were here in the Star Mark café]
          Really? We will go there

After that I ended the call "unnie Sophia and Nathalie are here" I said "really" she asked "nae they are in Star Mark café" I said "let's go" we said and we run and we bumped into Golde Child sunbaenim "mianhe sunbaenim" we said "oh my god Hye Rim, are you okay?" Oppa asked me worriedly and I nodded "why are you running?" Joo Chan oppa asked "because Nathalie and Sophia are here" unnie said "but I thought you said that you have to finish that song?" Oppa asked "but it's unnies, and we missed them so much" I said and pouted "aish, where are they?" He asked again "Star Mark café" I said "okay then let's eat there together" Joo Chan oppa said and we nodded but I notice that Bo Min oppa didn't talk and it seemed mad "are you mad?" I asked but no answer so I tiptoe to reach his height and kiss him in lips after I do that I run away and went directly to Star Mark café

"Are you mad?" Hye Rim asked but I didn't answer her but after a second she kissed me at my lips and run away "yah! Hye Rim-ah wait for me" noona said and start to chase Hye Rim "ohhh our maknae is blushing" Dae Yeol hyung said and I smiled

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