Chapter 27

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Wedding Day :);)

"Oppa wake up" Hye Rim whispered. I get up and sit to the bed and hugged her "it's finally our wedding day" I said "I know" she said "oppa prepare yourself we need to go to the hotel" she said "I thought you will call me jagi?" I asked "arasso, starting today I will call you jagi" she said and kissed my cheeks "Bo Min, Hye Rim are you ready?" Mom asked "not yet mom" we said "arasso we will wait in the hotel okay" "nae mom" we said "prepare yourself op- jagi" she said "arasso jagi" I said and kissed her forehead. After a minute I already done showering, I wear my pants, white shirt, and my white sneakers, I also wear my cap. I went downstairs and I saw Rimie wearing a same clothes as me "woah we have the same clothes again" she said "because we're meant to be" I said "let's go the others are waiting to us" she said. We went into my car and I drove going to the hotel. After a minute we arrived "let's go" I said and hold her hand. When we enter the hotel we saw Hye Rim's brothers, Joo Chan hyung and Soo Yoon noona "couple clothes again?" They asked and we laughed "Hye Rim let's go the others are waiting for you" noona said and went upstairs "Bo Min let's go too" hyungs said. When we reached the room I saw my family and members too "good that you are here" mom said "go change your clothes" dad said. After an hour I already done fixing my hair and change suit "woah my son is so handsome" mom said "thanks mom" I said "bro let's go to see my sister" hyung said

We reached the room and I saw my parents and my members "Hye Rim get change. We will do your make up and your hair too" mom said "nae mom" I said. They do my hair first and my make up. After a minutes they already done and I wore my wedding dress. While I'm changing changing my dress I heard that someone enter the room "mom where is Rimie?" Yun Hyeong oppa asked "she's changing her dress" mom said. After a minute I already done changing my dress "she's done" Soo Yoon unnie said and then the curtain slowly removed

( The wedding dress of Hye Rim. Note: the girl in the picture is not her also the hair and make up is not like in the picture )

"Woah you're so beautiful my daughter" mom and dad said, I saw the others open their mouth especially Bo Min oppa "thanks mom and dad" I said "woah our baby princess will getting married" my 3 brothers said "Bo Min-ah what will you say about your ...

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"Woah you're so beautiful my daughter" mom and dad said, I saw the others open their mouth especially Bo Min oppa "thanks mom and dad" I said "woah our baby princess will getting married" my 3 brothers said "Bo Min-ah what will you say about your fiancée?" Mom asked "you're so beautiful Rimie" he said "thanks oppa you're handsome too" I said "aunt the ceremony will.....woah Mikoto you're beautiful" my cousin Yuki said "yah! I said don't call me Mikoto" I said "Yuki don't stress your cousin on her wedding day" mom said "sumimasen, aunt the ceremony will be starting" he said "okay, guys let's go let's leave the bride here" mom said "bye~" they said

We went downstairs "omma, where is the venue?" I asked "you will see" mom said. Aish why mom didn't tell me? When we are outside the hotel the car that we are going to ride is already there. Once we reached the venue I saw a beach and it decorated like a wedding venue

'Woah it's beautiful here' I said to my self "good luck Bo Min we will watch you there" Soo Yoon noona said "thanks noona" I said

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'Woah it's beautiful here' I said to my self "good luck Bo Min we will watch you there" Soo Yoon noona said "thanks noona" I said. I walk first to the front and the other follow me then I saw my two dogs walking towards me with the ring. And the last my beautiful bride came out with her dad. When Hye Rim starting to walk Joo Chan hyung and Soo Yoon noona played the favorite song of Hye Rim 'A Thousand Years'. When Hye Rim is getting nearer to me I started to cry, then her dad gave me her hand "please take care of my daughter" he said "yes appa" I said and took her hand "don't cry" she mouthed

We reached the venue "princess let's go" appa said and I exit the car. When I already outside the car I saw a beautiful beach and the others too are there and Bo Min oppa is in the front together with Yoyo oppa, his parents, Shin Young unnie, and my mom. While I'm walking with my dad Soo Yoon unnie and Joo Chan oppa started to play my favorite song then I saw oppa crying. Dad gave my hand to oppa "please take care of my daughter" dad said "yes appa" he said and took my hand "don't cry" I mouthed

Fast Forward....

"Do you, Choi Bo Min accept Song Hye Rim as your Wife?" The priest asked "yes, I do" oppa said "do you, Song Hye Rim accept Choi Bo Min as your husband?" He asked "yes, I do" I said "you may now exchange a rings" the priest said and Joy and Jay came toward us with a ring we took the ring and say thank you to the two dogs after they left we exchange rings

( their wedding ring )

 "I will pronounce you as husband and wife

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"I will pronounce you as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride" the priest said. Oppa lifted my veil and cupped my face. He leaned closer and we kissed, after we broke the kiss our family and friends cheered we both hugged each other "I love you" we both said "now the bride will past her happiness to the one girl that didn't marry yet" the priest said the other girls came in the center except to Soo Yoon unnie cause she already engaged and Shin Young unnie. Before I throw the flower "3, 2, 1!" They said and I throw the flower and Eun Bi unnie catch it they all clapped. Before we can go to the next venue we take a picture first after that we walked towards the hotel but Bo Min oppa carried me bridal style that can make our parents cheer. We went to our car and go back to the hotel for the reception. Oppa sit beside me while holding my hand "after many years you already became my wife" oppa said and I smiled "jagi~, where will you celebrate the Christmas?" I asked "here of course with you" he said "we're here" Mino oppa said

We went to the reception and we saw that all of them are already here "let's give around of applause the newlywed" Joo Chan oppa and Soo Yoon unnie said and they all clapped. "Okay since the bride and the groom are already here we will watched their videos that their parents prepare" unnie said we watched the video and the other video when we are still a child and then oppa is starting to cry again. When it's already finished we change our clothes and went back to my grandpa's house. "Jagi I'm tired~" oppa said "let's sleep, we will accompany the others tomorrow at the airport" I said "arasso" oppa said and wrapped his arms around me.


When I woke up Bo Min oppa is still sleeping so I didn't wake him up. I went downstairs and help aunt to cook "morning Rimie, how was a married life?" Aunt asked "morning too, and it feel so happy" I said "I will went upstairs first okay" she said "yes aunt" I said. While I'm cooking someone back hug me when I turned around it's oppa "morning jagi~" he said "morning too" I said

Time Skip.....

We accompany the others to the airport since they will spend their Christmas in Korea. "Hye Rim don't forget once you get back we will have a practice okay?" Unnie said "nae unnie" I said. We bid a good bye to each other when the plane is already here "bye Joo Chan oppa take care of my unnie" I said and pout "arasso Rimie" he said and I laughed. Joo Chan oppa and Soo Yoon unnie kissed me at my both cheeks "yah! Hyung why did you kiss my wife?" Oppa asked "hahahaha Joo Chan look you make the maknae get angry at you" Dae Yeol oppa said "it's like you are my parents unnie and oppa" I said and the two of them blushed "guys let's go!" TAG oppa shouted "annyeong" we all said

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