Chapter 23

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I went to the park and I saw Bo Min oppa there sitting on the grass "hi oppa" I said and sat beside him "are you done in the songs?" He asked "nae, we will just record" I said "are you tired?" He asked and I nodded as a answer then he placed my head on his shoulder "you can sleep" he said "okay" I said as I closed my eyes. After a minute I heard oppa talking on the phone and it seems serious so I still close my while listening to their conversation "are you crazy?! She's already my fiancée and do you want us to break up!" He shouted then the person on the phone is talking something but I can't hear it "don't you ever try to hurt cause I will be the you will fight with" he said then hang up

I am watching her peaceful sleeping, she's still beautiful even though she's sleeping then I hear my phone ringing and I answer it.

[oh! Long time no talk Bo Min. I heard that you're getting married soon]
          Eo, what do you want this time?
[I want you to break up with Hye Rim]
          Are you crazy?! She's already my fiancée and do you want us to be break up!
[if you didn't break up with her I will make sure that she will be the one to break up with you]
          Don't you ever try to hurt her cause I will be the one you will fight with

And that I ended the call. Is she crazy she wants me to break up with Hye Rim? She must be insane "who's that oppa?" Hye Rim asked "you already woke up?" I asked then she nodded "did you hear the conversation?" I asked "anni" she said then I hugged her tight "what's wrong?" She asked "nothing" I said while sobbing "shh don't cry oppa" she said trying me to stop crying "don't leave me arasso?" I said and she nodded. Then I received a text

From: Roa
     Don't forget I'm always watching you

Once I read her message I immediately close my phone

'What happened to oppa? Why is he acting like that?' I said to my self "are you really okay oppa?" I asked "yes, I'm really okay" he said "okay I will believe in you, if...." "If what?" He asked "nothing" I said and he chuckled "I know you wanted me to do something" he said "yes but I know you will not agree with it" I said once again he chuckled and he kissed me in my cheeks "I know this is what you want" he said "why I will asked that when you always kissed me in cheeks, forehead and lips" I said with a angry voice "then what do you want?" He asked "if tomorrow we can ride to a zip line" I said "why? You know that I have an acrophobia" he said and pout "at least try" I said "don't want" he said "jebal......" I said and do aegyo "aish, you always do that aegyo" he said "please oppa" I said "arasso" he said "yehey thank you oppa" I said and kissed his cheeks "let's get back to our dorm. It's getting dark" he said "arasso" I said and we walked towards to our dorms


I woke up around 11 in the morning and I decided to text oppa for later

To: Bo Min oppa❤️
          Oppa, let's just meet at the front of the building later 1:30 pm sharp. See you❤️😊

After I text him I decided to shower first before going downstairs. After I finished showering I wear my white shorts and pink shirt with the design of ice cream and go downstairs. Once I go downstairs I saw Eun Bi unnie cooking in the kitchen "hi unnie, where's the others?" I asked "they still in their rooms" she said "okay unnie" "ah Hye Rim by the way, are you close to Seong Yoon?" She asked "uhm, a little unnie, why?" "Hye Rim promise to me you will not tell this to anyone" she said "nae unnie" I said "I like Seong Yoon-sshi" she said and my eyes widened "really unnie?" I asked and she nod "oh my gosh, you two are matched to each other. And you know unnie we ship you two, but we didn't tell you" I said "I know" she said "what?" I asked "well it's obvious" she said "do you want me to help you unnie? Since I'm close to Y oppa" I said and she smiled "aigooo, we already know unnie that you like Y oppa!" The other members shouted "oh my gosh. How long did you guys standing there?" She asked "since the I like Seong Yoon-ssi" they said and laughed "aish I will be in trouble" she said and we laughed

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