Chapter 9

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The girls has only 30 minutes to practice for their concert, so before the concert they don't have time for their parents and also for their boyfriends to hang out because they are very busy with their practice, but their family and their boyfriends understand it.

After we had a few minutes practice we immediately went to our dorm to go take a bath and also prepare for the concert later. After we took a shower we immediately go to our van and went to the venue to put our make-ups, our outfit and make our hairs. After that our manager suddenly came in and said "get ready girls it's time for your first performance" he said "yes manager-nim" we all said "fighting" we all said and went to the front stage and went to our position. Our first song to perform was our debut song. After 1 minute the lights are suddenly open and reveal the fans waiting for our performance, once the music is starting we moved according to our dance and song.

"They're so talented right hyung" I said"Yeah you're right" he said"Hye Rim and Soo Yoon noona has a beautiful voice" I said"And they are also good at dancing" he said


"Hye Rim-ah, noona!" I shouted causing all the people on backstage was looking at me, but I don't care because I'm proud on my girlfriend and to my noona also"Ouch it hurts oppa" she said as I was hugging her tightly "I'm proud of you my princess" I said"Thanks oppa" she said"That's enough guys we will introduce you to our member" Soo Yoon noona said


"Hi guys!" Unnie greeted the other members"Hello Soo Yoon" Nathalie greeted her"Who are they?" Sophia asked"This is Choi Bo Min my bf and this is Hong Joo Chan, Soo Yoon's bf" I said"Ohh nice to meet you two" Sophia and Nathalie said"Nice to meet you too" Bo Min And Joo Chan oppa said"Ahh by the way there is a boy......." Nathalie didn't finish her sentence because we immediately cover her mouth"Why? What about that boy?" Bo Min oppa asked with a curious face
"Nothing" Soo Yoon unnie and I said at the same time"Weh?" Nathalie said, and we gave her a death glare

"Are they cheating on us?" I thought "Girls we need to go now" I said and dragged Bo Min with me. Then I heard Soo Yoon saying that "why did you mentioned a boy and now they are thinking we cheating on them even Jae Hyun is just a friend" she said and suddenly Hye Rim spoke up "yeah he is also there to take care of us while there are here, but I hope oppa will not misunderstood about it" she said with a sad voice


"Is Hye Rim find another boy?" I asked "no they are not I heard to Soo Yoon and Hye Rim that he is just a friend" hyung said "really so it means that they just cover their members mouth just to prevent us from getting hurt" I asked again "yeah" he said "I will say sorry to Hye Rim tomorrow" I said "hey what's up boys how was the concert?" Dae Yeol hyung asked "hmm they are so good!" I said "I bet they are still so talented right?" Dong Hyun hyung asked "nae, but how do you know that they are talented?" Joo Chan hyung asked "because sometimes when they are still a trainee we practiced together and they are so cool" Y hyung said "ahh by the way guys sajangnim said that we will go to woollim tomorrow" TAG hyung said "okay guys we need to sleep now, and make sure to woke up early okay" Dae Yeol hyung said "nae hyung" all of said

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