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 Basic abbreviations:

(L/n) = Last name

(Y/n) = Your name

(E/c) = Eye color

(H/c) = Hair color

(M/n) = Mother name

(F/n) = Father name

And now onto the prologue!!!!!

(Third POV (you are 7 at the time)

~~~~~~Edited on 02/04~~~~~~

"M/n! What are pirates?" You asked.

Your mother gasped in shock after hearing your ' absurd' question.

"Y/n! Why would you ask something like that?! Well if you really have to know, pirates are just a bunch of no good thieves that steal and kill others."

Y/n tilts her head, confused. "Really? But Makino san said that there is a boy my age who hangs out with a group of pirates, and is good friends with the captain.

"Is that so?" she scrunches up her nose, making a disgusted face. "What a disgusting child, both that boy and Makino herself. Y/n you are forbidden to ever even look at that bar again, do you understand?! "

"But mom I a-"

M/n holds up her hand, signalling for Y/n to stop talking . "Not another word!! How do you think your father would react to this news?"

Y/n paused for a moment, remembering that her own father hunted down pirates for a living, yes a Marine soldier. He would sometimes come home late, talking trash about how there were just too many "dam trashy pirates" in this world.

"Do. You. Understand? Y/n slowly nodded her head in disappointment.

"Good. Now head over to the market to buy some groceries, your father is coming back today." She hands Y/n a shopping list, leading her toward the door.

"Okay.." she mutters.

Y/n slowly walked out the front door, towards the market. After she bought what was on her mother's list, she headed home, passing good ol' Makino-san's bar.

'I really wish I could meet that boy. Makino -san said that he was my age and funny and playful........'

Y/n shook her head, trying to rid herself of those "disgusting thoughts" quote her mother.

'You are the daughter of a Marine. Therefore I should want to be a Marine, right? But I don't..... I want to be a-'

Before you could finish your thoughts, you crash into a black raven haired boy, landing on your butt and spilling your groceries. He had a white shirt on with blue around the sleeves and the collar. The middle of his shirt had a giant anchor on it that said 'anchor' above it. He doesn't even bother stopping, he just keeps running, screaming something about "Shanks! Shanks! He is back!"

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" she yells, standing up. You decide to chase after him, ready to give him a piece of your mind, when you remembered that your father is going to be home by now. Sighing, you slowly pick up your groceries and head home.


When you arrive to the door of your house, inside you hear screaming and shouting from your mother and father. Unsure what to do, you start to back away from the door when your father suddenly flings the door wide open. He stares at you for about 2 minutes before you speak up.

"Welcome home f-father," you said in a shaky voice. Your hand was shaking as it held tightly onto the bag of groceries.

"Tch. Stupid brat." he mutters, as his hand slaps you right across the face. You try to run away but your father grabs you by the collar of your shirt and lifts you up so you can make direct eye contact.

"Where do you think you're going??!!!!! Huh!!???! Are you gonna be a bad girl like mommy over there?!!?!?"

It was then you realized that behind your father laid your now dead mother surrounded by a pool of blood. You scream in horror, desperately trying to get free of your father's grip.

"Now listen here. Your mother was a bad girl so are you going to be a good girl. Right, Y/n?" Your whole body is shaking, but you slowly nodded.

"Good. Now I am off to work again; you will not tell a soul about what you just saw, and you will stay put until I come back to get you. Is that clear? "

You nod your head, with tears threatening to fall at any second. Your father drops you and once again you land on your butt with a loud thud, Your father passes by you and crushes your bag of groceries.

"See you around my baby girl.."

You shivered at your father's tone, the nerve he had to call you that. After he left, you quickly ran out the door of your house. You ran through the town, tears spilling down your cheek like a waterfall. Suddenly, you see the raven haired boy that had crashed into you earlier. He sees you too, as he runs over to you.

"Oiii!!" he calls waving. "You're that girl that bumped into me!"

"No you are the one who bumped into me you freak." you snap.

He frowns at your tone. "Hey! Stop being so ru-"

Before he could finish his sentence you kicked his "family jewels" and then sent a right hook to his face.

"SHUT UP!!! JUST GO AWAY AND LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he lays there groaning in pain.

You ran away the opposite direction of before, until you came upon Makino-san's bar again. Sniffling, you ran inside desperately looking for Makino, until you see her behind the counter. She takes a glance at you and worry is all over her face when she sees you crying.

"Oh my goodness Y/n! What happened?!!" she says, rushing over to you from the counter. You thought about what your father had said, and realized just how helpless you truly were.

'I can't tell anyone..... He'll be back and either hurt Makino-san or the other villagers......'

Finally you look up at Makino, who is awaiting your answer.

"Someone murdered my mommy."

A/n: Hey everyone!! Sorry that this is so short.. This is my very first time making a fanfic so I know it will suck. Also I apologize for changing the format in the very beginning I will stick to this current format for the future chapters. Please comment whether or not I should even do a second chapter......

Thanks, love,


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