Chapter 14: Precursor to a New Adventure! Apis, a Mysterious Girl!

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"Remember what we told Makino? If that's true, then I'm not going to let anything happen to you! But you have to promise me; don't you ever go back to that man!"

"......Y-Yeah!" Luffy grins hearing this. "Now GO!" Sanji grabs your wrist and the two of you run, as Luffy prepares to fight Smoker. Meanwhile, Nami and Usopp are on the ship now, raising anchor to leave. "What about Zoro, Sanji, Luffy and Y/n?!" Usopp stutters, being it was Nami's idea to lift anchor. "We'll think of something! But the Merry will be blown to pieces if we don't leave now!"

"Hey look!" The two look and see you and Sanji running on the concrete, where the only thing that stands between you guys and the Merry is the raging waters below. Sanji has his arms in the air and hearts in his eyes. You, on the other hand, were sprinting to keep up with Sanji. Let's just say you have little to no stamina. "Nami-swaaan~"

Nami waves to the two. "Sanji-kun! Y/n!" Usopp lets out a sigh of relief. "Oh you guys!" "Nami-swan!! We're back!!!" Nami notices two other males missing. "Where're Luffy and Zoro?" You let out a wheeze, speaking in between breaths. "We- can- go *pant* back and collect them!!"

Usopp gasps, "Y/n behind you!!" "Huh?" You turn around and see a crowd of Navy soldiers chasing after you. You've pretty much lost your patience by now. "ENOUGH!!!!"

Your eyes go milky white and the waves are out of control. You slam your hands together, your arms out straight. A large wave smacks onto the crowd of Navy men, slamming them into the wall, then dragging them into the sea. Nami is wide eyed. Usopp is screaming his tongue out and his eyes wide comically. "Sanji-san!" you yell startling the male. "Y-Y-Yes y/n-chan?"

"Get on!" You create a large water fist, as it comes from behind Sanji slamming him onto the boat. He goes flying into Nami's chest, and Nami immediately smacks him on the head, then turns to you. "WATCH WHERE YOU AIM!!!" You let out a low growl, and turn to Nami. She yelps, and starts bowing like lightning. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!!!"

You become more heated as you think about Smoker and Tashigi. "I'm going back to help!!!" You run back in the direction Luffy and Smoker are, despite Sanji's protests. "Mist!" you call, hoping he was near. Mist pops his head up, swimming in the water next to you. "Yeah?" he responds. "Please help them get out of here! And look for Zoro!"

"Got it!" Mist dives back, swimming to the ship. You continue running to find Luffy and Smoker. When you get to Luffy and Smoker, Smoker has grabbed Luffy's head and jumps in the air. "You can't enter the Grand Line!" he yells. You watch Smoker slam Luffy's body, face first, into the concrete. "Wanted for a 30 million bounty? You're running out of your devil fruit's luck."

"LUFFY!!!" You throw a water spear at Smoker, but it goes through him, as his body changes to smoke. "What?! A Devil Fruit?!" you gasp in shock. He wasn't any old Navy officer. Luffy shakily lifts his head to look at you. "Y/n! Get out of here!"

"Like hell I am!" You use the rain to form several water fists, aiming them all at Smoker. "Water GATLING!!" They all at once go at Smoker, but his body changes into smoke yet again. "White blow!" He surrounds your body with smoke, causing you to launch into a coughing fit, collapsing on your knees.

"Y/n!" Luffy yells, finding the strength to slowly rise. "What did you do to her?!" "Smoke contaminates water. Tch. So that's why you don't like smoking. Good to know." He sends his other fist at you, this one grabbing your neck. "STOP!!!!" Luffy cries, knowing he couldn't make it in time.

Smoker comes near you, grabbing his jitte from his back. But before he can pull it out all the way, a hand stops him. When you look, it's a man with a dark green cloak covering his face and body. But for one second, a flash of lightning reveals that he has a strange red pattern on the left side of his face. "Don't be so sure." he says in a low voice.

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