Chapter 34: Climb The Drum Rockies!!

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"Crap! What do we do?!" Luffy panics, looking desperately for something to avoid the crash. You were occupied in holding down one of the Lapin. Seeing no other choice, Sanji kicks off Luffy and you from the tree, smirking. "A man should be gentle with a lady."

And that's the last thing he says before the tree crashes into the rock and Sanji goes flying off, crashing into the Lapin as they take Sanji down with them. "SANJI!!!" Luffy screams.

"You dummy!" Luffy stretches his arm back, grabbing Sanji's hand. "Who told you to do something so stupid?!" However, when Luffy stretches his arm back, only Sanji's blue mitt remains. "AAHH! SANJI!!"

"Y/n! Untie Nami from me!" Luffy shouts, and you nod, undoing the tight knot and holding onto Nami. The three of you were on a slope to avoid the avalanche. He then places his straw hat on your head. "I'll be back with Sanji!" And that's the last thing he says before diving into the snow.

Meanwhile, not too far below, Wapol lets out an angry yell as he pops out of the snow, spitting out the white walkie hippo he was once riding on, along with his two subordinates. The joker male from your first encounter with the ship, and another with an afro for hair and fists.

"IT MUST BE THOSE BRATS!!" Wapol cries in anger. "You say they're heading for the castle?! They must've started that avalanche to bury us!"

"Ah I see!" the joker-like man, Chess responds, "Let's head to the castle then!" Wapol grinds his teeth angrily, "I'll teach those brats a lesson!"

Back up the mountain, where you, Luffy, Sanji and Nami were, Luffy had fastened Nami to his back and you were carrying Sanji over your shoulder. Luffy's face was now dotted on his cheeks and forehead with a light shade of red, clearly from a unavoidable frostbite. Along the way, the same baby Lapin was crying in worry as her mother was buried under the snow.

As he goes by, Luffy pulls the large Lapin out with one arm from the snow. Without another word, the two of you continue walking. You let out a shaky cold breath, feeling your legs go numb from the cold. "Don't worry Y/n." he says, looking up at the castle ahead. "We'll make it."

You were just about to agree, when a voice from behind catches your attention.

"Lord Wapol! They're up here!"

"Let's kill them!!"

Once they are closer, you see Wapol, Chess and Kuromarimo are riding on the white walkie hippo. "You brats have been too disrespectful!"

"Get out of our way!" you shout, narrowing your eyes at the male. "Ha! As if!" he smirks. "I have no need to obey either of you! Those things you're carrying will probably die anyway!"

At this, both you and Luffy fell silent. Without another word, you both walked around the wooly hippo and continued walking. "Hey! Stop both of you!" Wapol turns to Chess. "I've come up with a new law Chess, write this down. Whoever turns his back on the king shall suffer death."

The male scribbles it onto a scroll before shouting, "Kill them all!" and the two charge at you and Luffy. Your eyes widen as you quickly hand Sanji over to Luffy. "Go! Luffy don't fight them!"


Kumomarimo's hand turns into an iron club with spikes and you narrowly dodge in time, one of the spikes grazing your cheek. Luffy growls in anger, wanting to fight back. "Y/n switch with me then!" he shouts, going to run up to you until Chess fires an arrow at the two of you.

You quickly slice the arrow in half with your sword, watching as it falls in two pieces in front of you. "There's no time! I'll be fine Luffy, but hurry!"

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