Chapter 23: All Out Battle! Luffy vs. Y/n!

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The girl you now recognize as Vivi, her eyes go wide with shock and fear. The two agents then notice you. "Oh? A bonus! The capture of Water Bearer Y/n!" Miss Valentine laughs.

You tighten the grips on your twin swords, as you step forward, in front of the Alabastans, getting into battle stance. "I'm not going without a fight!"

Vivi's eyes widen. "Water Bearer! What're you doing?! Why are you helping us?!" she says. You roll your eyes. "This isn't to specifically help you: I'm doing this because they want to take me, and happen to be after you too as well," you argue. You weren't willing to say up front you were willing to fight for them.

"So this is the infamous Water Bearer..." Mr. 5 says, observing you. 'Igaram' suddenly pushes you to the side. "We don't need the help of a low life pirate! Now run Vivi-sama!" he starts firing again, only this time, you see something small fly from the two agents, and once it hits Igaram, there is an explosion. He collapses on the ground. "Igaram!" Vivi yells.

"Damn!" you curse. Miss Valentine swipes at Vivi, but she narrowly dodges, as her hair tie is cut, revealing her long light blue hair.

"You monsters!" she snaps, pulling out her Peacock slasher from before. You turn around and see Mr. 9 on his knees. "You're a princess, Miss Wednesday?!"

"Quit being dumb!" you two shout in unison. "This is one screwed up night....Have fun Y/n...." Zoro mutters as he runs past you with Luffy. "V-vi-Vi-sama...." Igaram says weakly. She turns to him. "Are you all right?!"

"Never mind me...Please, escape Vivi-sama.....our homeland......Please! Go!" he yells weakly.

Mr. 5 picks his nose, making you pull back in disgust. "You really think you can escape from us?" Vivi pulls out two of her Peacock slasher, spinning them around on her pinky. You hold your swords in the same position as before.

Except, before either of you could attack, Mr. 9 steps in front, holding out his metal bats. "I'm having a hard time figuring out what's going on here, but we've been a pair for a long time. I'll buy you some time!" he yells.

You gasp. You thought he would've turned on Vivi and ran away. "Get going, Miss Wednesday! Water Bearer!"

"Mr. 9!" Vivi says in shock. "Pretty manly, huh? Now bye-bye baby!" he does backflips toward the two agents. "Hot Blooded........." Mr. 5 has his booger on his finger and aims it like a gun. "We only need the will to complete our missions. It doesn't matter to us if there are extra people lost."

"Gut!" Mr. 9 yells, but once the booger is shot, there is another explosion and Mr. 9, goes flying into a river behind you with a loud splash. "Mr. 9!" Both of you yell.

Vivi's eyes widen, as she hops on Karoo. "Get on Water Bearer!" she says. You shake your head. "Go! I'll try my best to hold them off!" You noticed there was that river. You could use it to your advantage. "You're not going to get away from us!" Mr. 5 says. "Let's go, Miss Valentine!" the two start to sprint after Vivi, who takes off on Karoo. You quickly stop the two, as you aim your swords at them. "Hey. Don't forget about me."

"You really want to fight us?" Miss Valentine asks, giggling. You smirk, "Of course. I've always wanted a challenge." Miss Valentine jumps up and floats in the sky. "What the-?!" you stutter, but focus on Mr. 5 who launches another booger. You quickly slice it in half but regret it afterward.

"Ew! I just cut his booger!" you say in realization.


"Please! I'm begging you! Get the princess to Alabasta at the far east safely! I promise a large reward!" Igaram was begging Zoro at the moment to take Vivi to safety. "Screw that! You just tried to kill Y/n and I a few minutes ago!"

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