Chapter 6: I Won't Die! Fierce Battle, Luffy and Y/n vs. Krieg!

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~~~~~~Edited on 03/30/2020~~~~~~


"SHUT UP MOSSHEAD!! And don't worry my lovely Y/n-chaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnn~!!! I will make sure to fix you up!!!!!!!!!!!"You may have passed out, but you weren't totally unconscious. 'Great, my life is in the hands of these guys...................... This is going to be a fun life!!' you thought. But after that, the last thing you can remember is hearing the loud war cries of men charging toward the restaurant, but then the sound of wood collapsing and mean screaming, then you black out, letting the darkness take over your vision.

The next time you woke up, there was a green gas mask on your face. You lifted your hands up to your face to take it off, but someone grabbed your wrist to stop you. The person's voice sounded faded, but you could tell who it was;

"Keep it on Y/n! Don Krieg is going to release some kind of poison!"

'Luffy!' you instantly recognized the voice.

So you did. There was a loud sound which you can only imagine was the poison exploding. When you felt it was safe, you took off the mask. The bright sun hit directly into your face. You winced in pain, and tried to sit up, only to find your waist where you had a cut previously, bandaged up. And it hurt like hell, but you ignored the pain as you tried to stand. You were almost on your feet, when you stumbled, realizing the fin you were standing on was broken. 'How did that happen?' you thought.

You looked around to see that what appeared to be Krieg's men, floating in the water, along with the restaurant's chefs. There was some creepy dude with what looked like two trash can lids stuck together on him, with an over sized pearl strapped to his head. There was a ship's mast that was connecting pieces of a large galleon to the ship's fin. There on the galleon was that bastard Krieg, laughing. You turned around, relieved to see that Sanji and Luffy had gas masks on, but your relief was short lived as you saw that Ghin was on his knees, forcing Sanji's mask on. You almost screamed out in horror as you realized; Gin doesn't have a mask on.

"Gin!" Sanji yells. Don Krieg takes off his mask with that same smirk on his face that made your blood boil.

"Let go........... Let go of the mask!" Sanji struggles, trying to pry off the mask. Luffy starts to take off his, and turns around, shocked to see Gin didn't have a mask "Gin! Where's your mask?!"

Usopp, Zoro, and Johnny had planned to go pursue Nami, originally planning to take you with them, but they ran into complications with Mihawk, and barely made it out. So Luffy had you stay with him. Luffy thought it would be easy to look after you; at least, until Krieg released the MH5.

Luffy POV:

'That Krieg guy! I have to find a mask for Sanji, Gin and Y/n!!'

I saw that there were three pirates still above water, so I quickly grabbed the first two's masks, and gave them to Sanji and Ghin. I found one next to me on the floor, and put it on y/n's face. She woke up and tried to take it off, but I stopped her.

"Keep it on y/n! Don Krieg is going to release some kind of poison!!"

She obeyed and kept the mask on, and I tried to look for a mask, but everyone had already went under! I started to panic as the gas came closer, when there was a mask at my feet. I quickly grabbed it and put it on my face in the nick of time.

"Did you.........give me your mask?" he stutters in realization.

Suddenly, Gin let out a weak cough, with blood spilling out of his mouth. His eyes looked irritated and his skin was a deep purple bruise color. He then lurched back, from the poison. You rushed over to him as Sanji had caught him, with Luffy rushing behind him.

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