Chapter 9: Usopp Dead?! When is Luffy Going to Make Landfall?!

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~~~Edited on 4/3/2020~~~


'What should I do?! Lie to Luffy, or try to tell him?!' You take a deep breath, and tell Luffy;

"Luffy, Nami is......" Luffy tilts his head. "What is it? Hurry up and say it!" 'Here goes nothing...' you thought. "Nami is alright. She is on the island, but I don't know if that Moss head and Usopp found her yet."

Luffy smiles hearing this. "Oh I see! We'll just have to hurry over there faster then!" You smile back. It's best that he doesn't know yet. "Yeah!" Luffy hums, then snaps his fingers. "Hey! Y/n! I have an idea!"

"What is it?" Next thing you know, you're riding in "style" as that cow Sanji beat up earlier is pulling us to the island. You are standing on the sail of the boat, looking out into the distance. "Yahoo!! So fast! So fast!" "There it is! Arlong Park!" you point to the large building, reading "Arlong Park"

"Go! To Arlong Park!"


Zoro is comfortably sitting in Arlong's chair, wearing a blue hawaiian styled shirt, surrounded by dead fishmen. "She told me to run, but he asked me to bring her back. I wonder where Luffy is right about now." He suddenly tenses, "Huh? Did I hear voices just now?" called someone from the other sides of the gates.

Zoro had learned there was an octopus, named Hachi. Hachi had taken Zoro to Cocoyashi Village, requesting to see Arlong. "Here you go. Arlong-san should be here." he says. "Great.Thanks." he replies. And with that, Hachi swims off, heading back to Arlong Park.

Once he was gone, Zoro runs off, heading into the village, cornering some of the villagers, finding out that Usopp has been captured.

"Y-yeah! They took him to Arlong Park a little while ago!"

"Brave as he acted, he defied Arlong! He's surely dead by now."

Zoro released the villager. "Damn. Of all the times to get caught, it had to be after I killed some time there!" 'Usopp, don't you dare die!'

Back to you...............

'How did it come to this?!' you thought.


"Oooh! There it is! Arlong Park!" The cow let out a moan, it looked very tired. "Hey! Don't stop now cow!" Luffy says, scolding the large sea creature. You fronw. "Yeah, Sanji-san's kick really must've taken a toll on him....."

The cow starts to turn away from Arlong Park. "Oi! Wrong way! That building!" Luffy points frantically at the building. The cow is too tired and dizzy. You start to panic as you see the cow heading for the brick wall at full speed. "W-w-w-wait a sec you stupid cow!!"

He crashes into the brick wall, as the entire ship goes flying over the forest. You fall off from where you were standing and close your eyes, preparing yourself for the impact, but you feel strong lean arms holding you. When you open your eyes, you see Luffy holding you bridal style, while Sanji and Yosaku are still screaming at the fact you guys are flying. " It's like we're flying!"

"Not LIKE! We are!" you scream.

~~End Flashback~~

Suddenly the boat starts to descend until it is gliding across the forest floor at an incredible speed, causing the birds to squawk and knocking trees down. "Landing successful!" Luffy laughs. You look up ahead and see Zoro, staring at you guys in shock. "Yo, Zoro!!" Luffy waves to the male.

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