Chapter 11: Bounty! Straw Hat Luffy Becomes Known To The World!

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~~~Edited on 4/4/2020~~~


'Please....Just wait for me Luffy!!'

Arlong tries to get away from you, but instead you pin him down on the ground, water sword still in his chest, and the other sword at his neck. You have Arlong cornered. You have the advantage. You're going to win. "Well look at this, the all so powerful Arlong is being defeated." you say with a smirk. "I have a friend rescuing our captain, and I've got you pinned down. Our crew is the victor in this 'game'"

Arlong at first looked a bit defeated, but his expression suddenly changed. "I wouldn't be so sure of that Water Bearer"

You are going to ask him why, until you hear a thump!. You turn around and see Zoro, collapsed on the ground. His breathing is ragged, and judging from how much he's sweating, he has a high fever. Hachi is on the roof, holding six swords, one in each hand. "Hey! You're not supposed to fall! How dare you mock me!!"

"ZORO!!!" you scream. Sanji grit his teeth at this, temporarily looking at the male. "I knew something was off. He acted like it was nothing after that fierce showdown. Is he an idiot or what?!" Suddenly, Sanji is punched by Kuroobi. Sanji gasps in pain, as he goes flying through the wall and past the villagers. You loosen your grip on Arlong, shocked.

"SANJI-SAN!!!" "I thought I told you to pay attention. You should too, Water Bearer."

"You bastard! Don't tell me to-"

You are cut off when you hear something metal break. Arlong managed to break the blade you had on his neck, by biting it in half. You gasp and lose hold on your water sword, as it dissolves into water again. Arlong takes the chance to grab you by the neck with one hand, holding you up like a rag doll. You dig your nails into his hand, hoping it will do something.

It doesn't.

Instead, he slams you into the wall, your head throbbing from the pain, and begins punching and kicking you without giving you so much as a second to catch your breath. When he was satisfied, he dropped you, as you laid there, coughing up blood and wheezing. "Tch. You're quite the disappointment Water Bearer. I didn't know you were the type to brag, before you've even won."

You can't even respond, you're so tired and it'd be amazing for anyone to be conscious at this point. Kuroobi walks over to the two of you. "Arlong-san. The blonde haired man is taken care of. What should we do with these two?"

"Ditch Roronoa Zoro in the sea. We'll turn Water Bearer in to Nezumi, the next time he comes around. How boring..........What weaklings!"

He kicks you in your ribs again, smirking as he hears a loud crack! And you scream out in pain. Hachi starts to blabber about how he's a great swordsman or something like that. You drown out his voice, focusing on Zoro. He was facing your direction, and he could see you, bloody and bruised. 'Are you okay?' He mouthed out the words.

You nod your head, but regret it as you wince in pain. Your head was still throbbing from when Arlong slammed you against the wall. 'Get up! Get up!' you mouth back to him. He smirks, as if saying 'what do you think I was doing?'

Suddenly there is a large whirlwind of rubble flying around Arlong Park. You are barely able to lift your head up, but enough that you see it's from Hachi. He is swinging around all six swords, so that the whirlwind and the rubble are reaching higher than Arlong Park itself. A large part of a pillar comes flying toward Arlong, but he merely dodges. "Stop it Hachi." Kuroobi warns. "I know how you feel, but if you go on a rampage, do you really want to destroy Arlong Park?"

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