Bites Does Hurt Chapter 19 (Regretful Revenge)

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Glen's P.O.V

Princess' body fell on the floor. Blood was now covering the wide cemmented floor.

"Princess!" I screamed, running towards her. I checked her body, a bullet went through her head cleanly.

I then felt no hope after that and pounded my hand hard onto the floor. One less family member always hurt though. From my back, Francis fell infront of Princess' carcass and cried heavily.

Yes they were close. I know how hard it is for him. It seemed that I felt his pain for awhile, suddenly remembering Kurt and Micah in the process.

Ugh, I'll get ovet it.

Karl stepped forward onto me,

"We are gonna find this murdering bastard now." He proclaimed, cocking his gun and lended me a hand.

I accepted the hand and stood up, pulling my gun accordingly.

Karl nodded and grinned as he starts to go to the door.

"We'll stay here, we know that the infected heard the gunshots. We'll block the entry points." Erwin planned, as the rest of the group agreed, I went out hastily.

As much as I hate Karl, now we are kind of feeling the same thing. Mutual understanding as what they call it.

Not about love or infatuation

but hate and anger, from the loss of a memorable comrade.

Nearing the door, I saw Karl crouching outside.

"Where are they?" I asked, trying to not blow our cover as I peeked. Seeing some shadowy figures, I guessed it was them.

"Well, I saw them. Three I suppose, all of th-. Their coming!" Karl hid, lying by the floor.

"Oh no." I ducked aswell, wiping my head that is full of sweat.

My heart began to beat faster. Nausea now starts to engulf my eyes as I lacked oxygen from this freaking hiding spot.

No, I don't want to faint. Please don't.

Not at this time.

"Okay" I whispered at myself, trying to clear up my thoughts. "What should I do?"

I thought out loud for a few minutes, until a footstep came about.

Which of course startled me.

But the again, it may be Karl or them.

I wish it was Karl though. I did forced myself not to peek, cause I might blow my cover up. Dying is not an option these days.

Shifting to a better position, I unholstered my knife. As the footsteps grow louder, I know knew that it is not Karl. It is somewhat slow and light, so I presumed that this guy over here is kinda small.

Is that the killer?

Well, I could always slice their throat open.

How rude. Well, thats how I roll now.

And thats when the noises volumed out. Grunts and loud annoying footsteps now consumed the air.

Well, luck is out. Karl is still out there though.

That reminds me. How is Ana now? How is she? She safe? I do still have my heart for her. And whatever I felt for Shane? It may not be true. For I know that I am loyal by heart.

Know what? Forget Shane. Leave Karl. Know whats weird? The last few months, I dreamed about losing a baby to Shane. What a weird dream.

I though I forgot that? Ugh.

So what now? Realizing the scenario, I waited for that 'intruder' to pass by and do my signature 'slice' throat action.

Then there is that, I now have a sight of 'her' shoes, as what I can see from here. Looks very small for a killer to be though. But you never know.

I then, non-hesitantly stood up, grabbed her and did the chokehold thing and then covered her mouth.


A gun cocked from behind.

"Let go of her!" A female voice errupted.

I then, instinctively followed and raised my hands accordingly.

"You win." I smirked

As the small girl fell, she then grasped for air.

"Do you know that I can kill you now?" She bragged

"I dunno." I question, tilting my head and raising my shoulders.

"Look at me." She ordered aggressively.

I turned.

And there was that.

A piece of a long sharp metal squished through my stomach and then being pulled out.

I fell to the floor, holding the wound as I felt warm liquid.

The pain soared through as I had difficulty in breathing.

"Ana?" I whispered, realizing my mistake in being with Shane.

"What the! What have you done Alyssa?"

A familiar voice echoed through my ears.

No time wasted, I closed my eyes, everything went dark.


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