Bites Does Hurt Chapter 7 (Scattered Blood)

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Kurt's P.O.V

"Huh?" I groaned as I woke up with blood on my hands, startled I started crawling away, holding my stomach. How long has it been? The pain is unbeareable, I will kill that sorry bastard when I see him.

"Micah?" I asked while scanning through the area I remembered where Glen was being dragged at by that soft Shane. How cute. But why? Blood was all over me and the place! I know something wrong had happened. There we're no bodies. Weird.

"Ugh" I groaned as I stood up, almost falling, I didn't know I was this heavy, trying to walk to the that damn convinience store mission up the road.

Where is everyone? I saw Micah got shot but where is her body? Is she dead or alive? I could only hope she is though. And where's Glen's cousin? I thought I saw her with Evan. I will track them down.

As I neared the store there were no groans and footsteps, it was very quiet like someone cleared the area for me. I shook at the thought that someone is looking at me, I hate this feeling.

I don't like this. I scanned the area of anything that I can use. Badluck, I can only see dirt, rocks and metal pipes around. I could use them but I'm wounded, besides making them very useless, it will only slow me down anyway.

"A gun is always better." I complained kicking the rusted pipe and stones away. I'm bored.

"Good thing the bullet grazed my tummy! Evan surely is a bad shot. I'm so lucky 'bout that."

"Ugh" I complained as my tummy started to rumble.

"Where's my bag?" I remembered, looking around I didn't see anything. That bastard Evan has a lot of talking to do or maybe Kim took it? If she took it then it's okay. As long as it is not Evan.

I walked more than 400 meters. I thought this was close! Damn, I just lost one kilo on the way. Welp! Exercise is always good for the body!

I wonder what happened to my family? Other friends? How are they? Hoped they escaped the apocalypse.

Dang that store is far. With my wounded stomach, I think I have six more minutes left to walk from here.

The sun was about to set as I entered and grabbed a pipe beside as a weapon. I know this is nonsense, wounded and carrying a melee weapon? How noob of me. Shocked and in relief, food is still here! Jackpot. I smiled greedy long enough to think that I can use this for my search for Micah and Glen. Of course Micah is first. Sorry Glen, I chuckled.

"What first ey?"

I sang while I raided. Good thing there is a can opener here! How convinient. Opening a can of food, I started eating with all my might.

Then I saw some bandages by the side as I patched myself first.

"Health class surely comes in handy sometimes.''

"This is so good"  I praised as I ate

Suddenly, a gun cocked behind me, stopping my happy raid and eating as I dropped my food, throwing up my hands up in the air. Hands up in the air, I sang. My favorite song. As  I sweat and as my heart begins to race.

Micah's P.O.V

"Kim! I'm tired." I asked as Kim slowed down.

Kurt I'm sorry I left you. I will never forget you. I love you. Thank you for caring me of all these days. I won't look at anyone else besides you.

"We are close!" Kim yelled "We must not waste time! Night is coming."

I groaned and jogged forcefully, hearing a lot of moans behind.

"I hope you have gone to heaven Kurt." I prayed, running out of breath.

After a few minutes of running, we turned up upon a road and we saw a building in the horizon. It looks like a huge wooden mansion, it kinda had broken windows all over it though so it looked like a stand took place.

I can't help but be nervous about this place. It looks creepy. Blood was all over it, but for Kim it looks like she is used to it.

"How did you ended up with Evan anyway?" I asked curiously

"I fainted on they way home. He carried me. I don't what happened next though. What happened to him?"

"He shot me."

"He did?" Kim was shocked putting her hands on her mouth.

"Kurt too."

"Lets get in. I need to clean that wound."

I nodded in response as blood keep pouring out from my right eye. Damn it hurt.

Kim opened the door with a very creaky noise. Damn, I was very nervous, it even looked like a horror movie.

I entered with full resistance, often screeching at movements in the dark as it turned out to be just the air.

It took Kim nearly five minutes to locate the entrance. Is it just me or Kim is a little bit forgetful or just the entrance was just that hidden? I believed at my first choice though.

It is still very creepy, considering the fact that I, myself, am wondering this building that is for me called a haunted house.

"So did you find it?!" I asked sweating. I didn't even let my eyes blink.

"I do."

"This is your third time." I complained

"Ugh." Kim forced an eye roll

Kim then opened the door. It was very dark and quiet, I should say but I have this feeling that someone is behind me. Waiting for the right moment to get a jump on me.

As a matter fact

I was indeed correct.

"AHHHH!" Someone yelled behind me. I then ducked and extended my legs.

To much for my suprised, the guy slipped. For that, I let out a loud laugh. Kim joined me later on.

It was indeed hilarious.

Due to my reflexes, it seemed that the guy fell head first on the floor. Still, he glided like the floor was just polished. Ooh that hurt.

"Whose this? Huh? And where is Evan?" Someone from behind blurted.

I turned in an annoyed way.

"Name is Micah." I then extended my arms for that guy who just shouted at me.

"Wait what?" The guy asked in shock.

Glen's P.O.V

It hurts me. Leaving my friends like that. If only my back was not broken by that psychopath Shane, I surely could've helped them get out if they were alive though and I doubt they survived. There were just too many 'Things' over there. I will give them a long prayer then.

"Glen?" Shane asked


"I'm sorry."

I was taken back from this. Shane hated Micah and Kurt. She may be just be faking it so that she can get closer to me than what she did before.

"For what?" I replied coldly

"For treating them like that. I know they are not going to hear me apologize. I'm kinda too late for it now. It is not easy to lose friends you know. And I will what ever it takes to make you feel the same."

Wait, what did she just say? That was the first time I heard her talk about my two comrades. And about me?

For me? I could really tell that she is telling the truth. I know I am not a telepath or a psycho but a normal human being could read it. She is too predictable for our eyes.

And that was first time I felt a heartbeat for her.


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