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(Cat above is Stormpaw)

The sun had never set more slowly. Stormpaw sat outside the apprentices' den, watching the sun sink behind the trees. He was giving himself a thorough grooming, as a few stars of Silverpelt began to show.

Tonight's the gathering. Do I have to go? I've gone before.

He heard a rustle from the den and his sister, Fernpaw slipped out. Her fur was neatly groomed and he eyes shone with excitement.

"Are you ready?" She asked. "Fallowstar is already gathered at the gorse tunnel. Cats are joining him now."

"I suppose I am." Stormpaw grumbled.

He followed his sister across the clearing to the gathered cats. They took their places next to the other apprentices, Cloudpaw and Firepaw. He looked over the warriors in front of him and spotted his parents, Stonehaze and Rainflight, waiting next to one another. Further up he spotted his mentor, Branchtail.

Suddenly a cat nudged his side. "Are you excited?" Cloudpaw asked.

"Why should I be? This isn't my first gathering." Stormpaw answered.

"This isn't the first gathering for any of us." Cloudpaw meowed, sweeping her tail to indicate the four apprentices. "But gatherings are always exciting."

Stormpaw stared at the snowy she cat. He wished he could share her optimism but only despair filled his mind.

At last Fallowstar raised his tail to lead the cats who had been chosen to go to the gathering. As the trekked to the gathering, Stormpaw's despair slows beagn to ease. I need to try and enjoy the gathering. Or else Cloudpaw will get on to me about being no fun.

Finally, they crossed the fallen tree that serves as their bridge to the island. Stormpaw lifted his nose and picked up the familiar scents of the other clans.

Fallowstar slipped through the crowd of cats and leapt onto the Great Oak. Oakflame took his spot among the other deputies at the roots of the tree.  Stormpaw followed Fernpaw over to the group of apprentices. Firepaw and Cloudpaw had already gathered and were busy gossiping with the other apprentices.

"Hi, Stormpaw." A brown tom called out to him.

"Hi, Mumblepaw." Stormpaw greeted back. "Where's Cedarpaw?"

"He's back at camp keeping Ratpaw company." Mumblepaw mewed.

Stormpaw's tail twitched. "What happened to Ratpaw?"

"Twolegs have been putting traps in our territory and Ratpaw got his leg caught in one so he can't walk." Mumblepaw explained.

Before Stormpaw could respond, a cat's voice rang out across the clearing. "Cats of all clans! Welcome!" It was RiverClan's leader, Driftstar. "Morningstar, would you like to speak first?"

Morningstar dipped her head and rose to her paws. Stormpaw noticed that her brown and white muzzle was beginning to gray.

"WindClan is doing well." Morningstar began. "A new litter of kits has been born to Swiftfoot and tonight my sons, Kestrelpaw and Eaglepaw, join their clan as apprentices."

Stormpaw looked through the group of apprentices and spotted the newcomers. Kestrelpaw had brown fur with white patches like Morningstar while Eaglepaw was a gray tabby like their father, Breezestripe.

Morningstar dipped her head again to Driftstar before resuming her seat.

Driftstar turned to ShadowClan's leader. "Wolfstar, would you like to speak next?"

Wolfstar nodded and rose to his paws. "Prey is running well." He announced. "ShadowClan also brings a new warrior tonight- Toadskip."

Several ShadowClan warriors beagn to call out the new warrior's name. Stormpaw strained his head to look through the crowd of cats. He finally spotted Toadskip among the ShadowClan warriors. He was no bigger than him or older than him. He had black and white fur and bright green eyes. When the noise died down, Fallowstar rose to speak.

"Prey is running well for ThunderClan. A new litter of kits has been born to Lightflame." He paised for a moment. "A couple of days ago, Marshtail, Brackenear, and Spottedflare encountered a loner living inside out territory."

He dipped his head and retook his spot. Several low murmurs rippled through the crowd.

"I bet ThunderClan's going to take him in." Stormpaw heard a nearby RiverClan warrior mutter to his clanmate beside him. "A clan full of kittypets, rogues, and loners."

Stormpaw's tail twitched irritably. He knew we'll enough what the warrior was referring to. Marshtail had once been a rogue by the name Tank. Redfur was once a kittypet named Baily. Spottedflare had been a loner named Sasha.

If this weren't a gathering, I'd shredd that tom's ears off! How dare he speak of ThunderClan that way!

Stormpaw wrapped his tail neatly around his paws and shook his thoughts away. It was Driftstar's turn to speak.

"All is well in RiverClan." He began. "The lake is full of fish and we have a new apprentice, Otterpaw."

Stormpaw noticed Otterpaw, a small brown tom, lower his head shyly as the gathered cats called out his name.

Once the island was quiet, all four leaders leapt from their branches and called to their clans. Stormpaw said his goodbye to Mumblepaw then hurried to catch up with Fernpaw. No cat spoke as the trekked home or when they entered through the the tunnel.

"How'd it go?" Firepaw's mentor, Mudpelt called from the warriors' den.

"Fine." Fallowstar muttered. Without any more discussion on the gathering, he slipped into his den.

Oakflame and Whitepool exchange glances. Shadedsky, Fallowstar's mate, emerged from the nursery and padded over to the two toms.

"Is something bothering him?" She asked.

Oakflame shook his head. "I'm not sure."

"I'll go talk with him." Shadedsky meowed. She padded across the clearing and disappeared into Fallowstar's den.

"It's late. Get some rest." Branchtail meowed.

Stormpaw nodded then glanced over at Fernpaw. She flashed him a small smile then slipped into the apprentices' after Cloudpaw and Firepaw.

Stormpaw took once last look at the leader's den. His curiosity bubbled inside him. Was something bothering Fallowstar? Had his leader heard that RiverClan warrior?

Stormpaw sighed then slipped into his den. He curled up in his and wrapped his tail tightly around himself. He found it hard to sleep but eventually sleep washed over him like a black wave.

Warriors: Stormspot's GriefWhere stories live. Discover now