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Stormspot slipped into camp, a shrew, vole, and two mice dangling from his jaw. He padded over to the fresh kill pile and dropped off his catches. He let his gaze sweep across the camp. It felt good to be back. He was happy to be doing his warrior duties again.
As he headed to the warriors den, as vpice called out to him.


He turned around to see Bailey bounding up to him. Can I speak with you about something?" She asked.

"Sure." Stormspot replied.

He followed her to a isolated spot in the camp, where they were out of earshot from the rest of the clan. Bailey sat down and her eyes shone with slight hesitation.

"What is it?" Stormspot asked.

Bailey looked at her paws for a moment before looking back up. "I want to no longer be your mate."

Stormspot starred back at her with wide eyes. Had he done something wrong? Was she leaving? "Why?" He asked.

"Because I'm not the one you were ment to be with." Bailey mewed. "Cloudwing is. I will still love you as the father of my kits and I will live as your clanmate amd friend."

Stormspot felt a part of his heart break. Bailey had been there for him when he was banished. She had saved him and comforted him. Given him another family.

"I-I" He began but Bailey raised a paw to silence him.

"Don't try to change my mind." She meowed. "I have no doubt in my mind that Cloudwing is who StarClan intended for you to be with for the rest of your life."

Stormspot sighed. "But I still don't understand."

Bailey smiled. "You've known her longer than me. She was your first mate. You still loved her when you were banished and it's clear that she never stopped loving you. She's your one, true mate."

Bailey rose to her paws and pressed her muzzle to his one more time. "Now, go find your mate."

Stormspot smiled. "Thank you, Bailey. I will love you as the mother of my second litter and I'm glad I can still call you my friend and clanmate."

"Me too." Bailey mewed.

The two cats padded out from their spot and Bailey smiled before returning to the nursery. Stormspot looked around for Cloudwing and found her by the fresh kill pile. He padded over to her, a warm smile on his muzzle.

Cloudwing noticed him approaching and reached up to nuzzle him. "Where were you?"

"I was just seeing how Bailey and the kits have adjusted." Stormspot answered.

He decided he would tell Cloudwing about what Bailey had done another time. Once he knew that Cloudwing and Bailey were truly friends and once he knew Bailey was fully comfortable in ThunderClan.

He was still saddened by Bailey's decision, but he respected it. It was her life and her choice. It still crushed him a little. Would she tell their kits now? When they were older? Would she tell them at all?

He wondered how they would react but he was sure that if it was when they were older they would too be more understanding and would respect it more.

Part of him wished Bailey hadn't had made this decision. He did love her. But I do love Cloudwing more.

I love you, Bailey. Thank you for my second family and second chance of life. Thank you for saving my life.

This clan needs a queen like you.

A/N: Sorry this was short. That's all.

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