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(Cat above is Mumblepaw)

Stormspot sat outside the warriors' den, giving himself a quick grooming while his Clanmates hastily got ready around him, waiting to leave for the Gathering.

It was his first gathering since becoming a warrior. Cloudwing, Fernshade, and Fireclaw were excited but Stormspot was dreading it. He was nervous to see the hostility that would form between ThunderClan and ShadowClan when Fallowstar announced Marshtail's death.

"Stormspot!"Fernshade's voice came from across the clearing. "Come on, we're ready to leave."

Stormspot rose to his paws and scrambled out of the den and raced across to the thorn barrier, where his Clanmates were waiting to file through the tunnel. Fernshade flashed him a smile then turned and plunged into the tunnel, with Stormspot following.

Fallowstar set a brisk pace through the forest. The moon cast shadows over their path, and dew glittered on every blade of grass and frond of bracken. Following his Clanmates, Stormspot raced along the water's edge, splashing through the stream on the WindClan border.

Stormspot's uneasiness slowly turned to excitement as he padded along the fallen tree. They reached the clearing and Stormspot picked up the scents of RiverClan and WindClan. ShadowClan had not arrived. Fallowstar took his spot on the Great Oak while Oakflame took his spot below. Fallowstar stepped forward.

"I know it's not custom to speak without all four clan here," he began. "but there is something I wish to announce before ShadowClan arrives."

Morningstar and Driftstar glanced at wach other before nodding for Fallowstar to continue.

"Marshtail was found dead not long ago by our border with ShadowClan." Fallowstar mewed.

Murmurs rippled from the clearing. Just when Stormspot though his worries were gone, pawsteps sounded from the fallen tree. He turned his head to see ShadowClan arriving. As if Fallowstar had said nothing, the gathered RiverClan and WindClan cats welcomed them with contented mewes. The ThunderClan cats would nod politely when a ShadowClan cat walked by.

"Hey, Stormpaw!"

Stormspot turned to see Mumblepaw and Cedarpaw trotting up to him. He could see their bodies cover with faint scars from the battle but they both looked like they were recovering well.

"How are you doing?" Mumblepaw asked.

"I'm fine." Stormspot answered. "By the way, it's Stormspot now."

A smile beamed across Mumblepaw's face. "Congratulations."

"Did Cloudpaw and Fernpaw get theirs too?" Cedarpaw asked.

Stormspot nodded. "They're Fernshade and Cloudwing."

"That's wonderful." Cedarpaw meowed. He then raised his chin. "We got our names too."

"Really?" Stormspot meowed.

"Yes." Mumblepaw replied. "Our mentors and Wolfstar were quite impressed with how we fought in the battle. I'm Mumblestep now."

"And I'm Cedarflame."

Stormspot smiled. "Congratulations."

"The moon is full." Morningstar's mew sounded from the Great Oak. "Let the gathering begin." She stepped up from her spot. "Prey is running well in WindClan and we have two new apprentices- Spotpaw and Aspenpaw."

Several WindClan cats welcome the two new apprentices. Morningstar retook her spot and Driftstar stepped up.

"All is well in RiverClan." He began. "Mistfur has given birth to a litter of two kits."

Several joyful mews rippled through the island. Wolfstar rose from his spot and Driftstar sat back down.

"ShadowClan is doing well. We have two new warriors- Cedarflame and Mumblestep." He announced.

Stormspot let out a purr of amusement as Mumblestep and Cedarflame raised their Chins proudly as their clanmates called out their names. Wolfstar turned to sit down and shot a small glare at Fallowstar as he did.

Fallowstar, ignoring the tom's gaze, stepped forward. "All is well in ThunderClan." He meowed. "Tonight we bring three new warriors- Cloudwing, Fernshade, and Stormspot."

Stormspot raised his chin up as his clanmates called out his name. From his other side, he could see Cloudwing and Fernshade do the same. When the noise died down, Fallowstar leapt of the branch and signaled for his clan. Stormspot began to follow when a speckled gray tom ran up to him.

"Congratulations, Stormspot." He mewed.

Stormspot smiled. "Thanks, Chiveskip."

Chiveskip turned to leave but looked over his shoulder. "Harepounce and Owlflight were right about your name having 'spot' in it."

Without another word, he turned and ran after WindClan. Stormspot let out a purr of amusement and ran to catch up with his clanmates. He caught up and walked beside Fernshade.

"That went better than I expected." She commented.

Stormspot smiled. "I think that goes for everyone."

When they returned, Shadedsky walked up to Fallowstar and pressed her muzzle to his. "How did it go?" She asked.

"Fine." Fallowstar answered.

"How did ShadowClan react when you made the announcement?" Dapplespot asked from the elders' den.

"I announced Marshtail's death before they arrived." Fallowstar mewed.

"What?!" Gasped Mosspelt from the nursery. "But that's not the custom."

"I'm aware." Fallowstar meowed. "ShadowClan didn't need to hear the news. They know what they did."

Without another word, Fallowstar filed into his den with Shadedsky following. The clan started at his den for a moment. Stormspot gazed at the expressions of his clanmates. Confusion, worry, anger.

Were they all worried about Fallowstar? Were they confused by his actions? How bad was their hatred for ShadowClan?

Stormspot entered the warriors' den, his mind racing with thoughts. He curled up in his nest and wrapped his tail around him. His mind swirled with flashbacks of ShadowClan stealing their border and Marshtail's death. Ever since, Fallowstar had been different.

Stormspot sighed and rested his head on his paws. What was wrong with his leader?

Warriors: Stormspot's GriefWhere stories live. Discover now