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Stormspot starred back at his leader.



Stormspot and all of the clan looked to the source of the cry. It was Cloudwing. She had burst from the warriors' den, her eyes wide with shock and worry.

Stormspot looked back at his mate them turned his eyes to his kits. Their eyes mayches their mother's; shock, worry, sadness.

"Fallowstar, I-" Stormspot began.

"No!" Fallowstar snarled. "My mind is made up. There's no excuse for murder."

"Please!" Stormspot cried. "Let me explain!"

"No!" Fallowstar growled. "Leave now or my warriors will chase you out and make sure you never set one paw inside ThunderClan ever agin!"

Black storm clouds rolled overhead, thunder and lightning crashed. Either it just bad weather...or StarClan was angry with him. Stormspot gazed around. The cats gathered around him starred back with shocked, hurt, or entaged eyes.

I have to get out of here!

Before any cat could chase him out, Stormspot turned on his heels and bolted through the thorn tunnel, hard rain beginning to pour on the forest. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him, leaping past trees and rocks.

A large crack of thunder struck a nearby tree, causing it to tilt and fall. Befor it could crush him, Stormspot sprinted ahead, hearing the tree hit the ground behind him.

He didn't know where he was running to. All he knew was that he had to get out of ThunderClan territory. As he ran, all his past moments that lead to this point replayed in his mind. From the moment he born, Stormspot never imagined he would have been banished from his clan, now fleeing for his life.

What have I done? Is banishment worth knowing I avenged my family?

Stormspot shook his head, washing away his thoughts. The storm continued to rampage around him, the wind crashing agaisnt him, the rain making his pelt heavy and stick to his body, the thunder shaking the forest to its roots.

Stormspot planted his paws hard on the ground, slowing himself down to an abrupt stop. He looked around to see where he was but the wind and rain made it difficult.

He took off again, sprinting and kicking up mud and leaves as he ran. A billion thoughts were racing in his mind. Where would he go? Would he be a loner? A rouge? If he was spotted on ThunderClan territory again...would he be killed?

A loud crash snapped him out of his worries. A large lightning bolt struck a tree in front of him, sending it fallong his way. Stormspot picked up he pace like he did before but before he could move out of the way...the world went black.

Alright! That's the official end to Stormspot's Grief! I hope you all enjoyed it and thanks so much for voting amd commenting and reading! Look forward to more books!

I'm just kidding :p

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