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(Cat above is Rainkit)

Stormspot sat excitedly outside the nursery, Cloudwing at his side. Today his kits had turned six moons old and it was time for their apprentice ceremony. For the third day in a row now, the dark cloud rumbled above but still no rain.

"When will it start?" Snowkit asked, impatiently slamming his paws on the dirt.

"Soon." Cloudwing mewed.

"I can't wait!" Hazelkit squeaked.

"Who do you think out mentors will be?" Rainkit asked.

"We don't know." Stormspot meowed. "But whoever you get, you three will become great warriors."

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, join beneath the Highledge for a clan meeting."

Fallowstar's voice rang across the clearing and the clan soon began to gather. Stormspot and Cloudwing made their way to the front, their kits in between them. Fallowstar leapt from the Highledge and padded to stand in front of the kits.

"Toady, Cloudwing's kits have reached their sixth moon and it's time that they become apprentices." Fallowstar began. He flicked his tail, calling Rainkit forward. "Until this apprentice has earned his warrior name, he will be known as Rainpaw."

He scanned the crowd of cats. "Brackenear, you are a strong warrior and are ready for your next apprentice." Fallowstar meowed. "You will begin Rainpaw's training. I trust that you will pass your skills fown to him."

Brackenear stepped up to the from and nodded then turned to touch noses with Rainpaw. Fallowstar flicked his tail, signaling Hazelkit. "Until this apprentice has earned her warrior name, she will be known as Hazelpaw. Brightwing you will be her mentor."

Fallowstar paused, allowing the white and ginger  she cat to make her way to the front. "You are a young warrior but I have you demonstrate the qualities of a mentor and I trust that you will pass your skills down to Hazelpaw."

Brightwing gave a proud nod before turning to Hazelpaw, bending down to touch noses. Finally, Fallowstar slowly dipped his head to Snowkit. Snowkit proudly padded forward, meeting his leader's eyes.

"Until this apprentice has earned his warrior name, he will be known as Snowpaw. Ashshade you will be his mentor. You trained his mother and made her an excellent warrior and I trust that you will do the same with Snowpaw." Fallowstar went on.

Ashshade padded to the front and lowered his head to touch noses with Snowpaw. "Rainpaw! Hazelpaw! Snowpaw!" The clan welcomed the new apprentices by their names.

Fallowstar flicked his tail, signaling that the ceremony was over. Stormspot and Cloudwing padded over to their newly apprenticed kits.

"We're so proud of you three." Cloudwing meowed, licking each of her kits between the ears.

"You're going to be excellent warriors." Stormspot mewed.

Snowpaw nodded. "We won't let you down."

The three new apprentices bounded off to find thier new mentors. Stormspot's mood as well as the clan's had lightened through the past couple of day with the excitement and anticipation for the ceremony.

But a small shadow of fear still hung over the camp, as the storm cloud grew darker and darker with each passing day. Stormspot accepted that it may not be the weather. StarClan was warning them.

He just hoped that ThunderClan could prepare themselves...for what StarClan was warning them about.

A/N: again sorry that this chapter was short. But prepare yourself for the next chapter. It's long and well, you'll see.

Warriors: Stormspot's GriefWhere stories live. Discover now