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(Cat above is Wolfstar)

"Where?" Fallowstar demanded from the Highledge.

"They just crossed the border." Fireclaw answered. "Wolfstar's leading them."

Fallowstar leapt from the Highledge and raced towards the thorn tunnel. "Warriors and apprentices come with me. Fireclaw, Marshtail, and Rainflight stay behind in case any ShadowClan cats get to the camp." He called over his shoulder.

He slipped through the thorn tunnel with Oakflame and the warriors following. Stormpaw fell into a run beside Cloudpaw, Fernpaw on his other side. It wasn't long before the scent of the oncoming ShadowClan cats filled his nose. Fallowstar lead the oatrol to the top of the slope where they had met the ShadowClan patrol earlier.

Below them, Wolfstar, Nettlesplash and their warriors were waiting. Stormpaw spotted Mumblepaw and Cedarpaw. My friends.

"Wolfstar," Fallowstar called. "ShadowClan will not set new borders in ThunderClan."

"We'll see about that." Wolfstar challenged.

He flicked his tail and his warrior raced towards the ThunderClan cats. At Fallowstar's nodded signal, the ThunderClan cats leaped into the battle.

Stormpaw grasped a black she cat with his claws, but was shaken loose. He tumbled over and the ShadowClan warrior turned on him and gripped him with claws as sharp as a hawk's talons. He managed to twist and sink his teeth deep into the cat's flesh. The warrior yowl and Stormpaw bit harder. The she cat screeched again, ripping herself free, and ran off into the bushes.

Stormpaw looked around at the battle. He spotted Cloudpaw battle with a brown tabby ShadowClan she cat. Fernpaw was fighting a fluffy white warrior. I've never seen them fight like this.

He remembered that this was his clan's fight and leapt at the nearest ShadowClan cat. He already had the warrior pinned to the ground and gave him a vicious bite. The injured cat raced away back across the border. Stormpaw looked around. The only ShadowClan cats left in the battle were Wolfstar, Nettlesplash, Maplefrost, and Spiketail.

"Wolfstar, this battle is over." Fallowstar announced. "Go back to your border."

"ThunderClan hasn't won yet." Wolfstar hissed before he turned and vanished across the border with his clan mates following.

Fallowstar flicked his tail. "Let's returns to camp. We'll refresh the scent markers in the morning."

The moon had risen in the quiet sky as the ThunderClan party began to trudge home. When they emerged through the thorn tunnel, the rest of the clan greeted them, anxious to hear of the battle.

"How did it go?" Marshtail asked.

"We were victorious." Oakflame answered.

Several murmurs ripples through the crowd, some of worry and some of cheer. Fallowstar began to make his way to the Highledge. He stopped and turned to looked at Stormpaw, Fernpaw, and Cloudpaw.

"Did they fight well?" He asked, turning to their mentors.

"Like warriors." Branchtail replied solemnly.

Fallowstar gave a slight nod. He padded over to stand in front of the three apprentices. He lifted his chin and fixed his eyes on Silverpelt. "I, Fallowstar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these three apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn." He looked down at Cloudpaw. "Cloudpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do." Cloudpaw replied, her voice loud and clear.

"Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your warrior name. Cloudpaw, from this moment you will be known as Cloudwing. StarClan honors your intelligence and your fighting skill, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan."

Fallowstar stepped forward and rested his muzzle on Cloudwing's head. Cloudwing gave his shoulder a respectful lick then stepped back to stand a little bit in front of Ashshade and Mudpelt.

Fallowstar turned to Fernpaw. "Fernpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do." Fernpaw mewed, her whiskers twitching with excitement.

"Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your warrior name. Fernpaw, from this moment you will be known as Fernshade. StarClan honors your spirit and independence, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan."

Just as he did for Cloudwing, Fallowstar placed his muzzle on Fernshade's head. Stormpaw felt excitement stir in his chest as his sister licked her leader's shoulder then stepped back to stand beside Cloudwing.

Stormpaw felt anticipation stir within him. Finally! It's my turn!

"Stormpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" Fallowstar meowed, eyeing Stormpaw with prideful eyes.

"I do." Stormpaw declared.

"Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your warrior name. Stormpaw, from this moment you will be known as Stormspot. StarClan honors your dedication and your loyalty , and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan."

Fallowstar stepped forward and rested his muzzle on top of Stormspot's bowed head. Stormspot gave his shoulder a respectful lick, then walked over to stand beside Fernshade.

The Clan began to chant the new warrior names. "Cloudwing! Fernshade! Stormspot!"

Fallowstar flicked his tail, dismissing the clan. Stormspot's chest swelled with pride as his clanmates swarmed him, congratulating him.

"I'm so proud of you two!" Rainflight mewed, giving Stormspot and Fernshade each a lick between the ears.

"It's about time you three earned your names." Stonehaze agreed. "All three of you fought bravely."

As his parents padded away, Stormspot looked around until he spotted Branchtail. He made his way over to him, rolling his eyes ad he passed Fireclaw and Fernshade, who were pelt to pelt as always.

"Branchtail, I want to thank you for being a great mentor." He mewed, to his former mentor.

"I was a good mentor," Branchtail agreed. "but your hard work and dedication earned you your warrior name."

He flashed a smile before padding off to the warriors' den. Stormspot turned and walked over to the clearing so he could start his vigil. As he walked he spotted Cloudwing talking excitedly with her mother, Deerspot. He turned to look for Fernshade and, just as he suspected, she was still talking with Fireclaw.

After awhile the two she cats left their companions and joined Stormspot in the clearing. They each flashed each other smiles before looking ahead, prepared to watch over the clan for the night, as their ancestors roamed the sky above them.

Warriors: Stormspot's GriefWhere stories live. Discover now