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(Cat above is Fernshade)

"Try again." Stormspot instructed.

Poppypaw nodded then jumped, rolled and leapt to his paws. A moon had passed since the discovery of a possible conclusion to Marshtail's death. There had still been no problems with ShadowClan, further increasing the clan's suspicions. Poppypaw shook his fur then turned to his mentor.

"How was that?" He asked.

"That was excellent." Stormspot praised him.

The sun was beginning to set and the two had been training since sunhigh. Poppypaw open his jaws in a wide yawn, his eyes cloudy with tiredness.

"Come on. Let's head back now so you can rest." Stormspot meowed.

He turned and lead the way back to camp. When they retuned, Poppypaw disappeared to the apprentices' den. Stormspot padded over to the warriors' den and sprawled himself outside. Before he could rest, Fernshade came bounding across the clearing.

"Stormspot!" His sister meowed. "I have wonderful news!"

"What is it?" Stormspot asked, sitting up.

"I'm expecting kits!" Fernshade exclaimed.

Stormspot starred back at her as if she had two tails. Already?! He was happy for his sister but something deep inside him was nagging at his heart.  He shook it off and reached up to lick his stister between her ears.

"That's wonderful." He mewed. "You'll be a wonderful mother."

"Thank you." Fernshade meowed. "Fireclaw's overjoyed. I told him this morning as soon as I found out."

"Have you told Rainflight and Stonehaze yet?" Stormspot asked.

"No. I planned on telling them after I told you." Fernshade explained.

"Well, I'm happy for you." Stormspot mewed.

Fernshade pressed her muzzle to his. "You're a wonderful brother and you'll be a wonderful uncle to my kits." She turned and went to find their parents.

Stormspot smiled as his sister padded off. His mind raced with excitement. I'm going to be an uncle! He always thought about what it would be like to be an uncle to his sister's kits .Then to one day have his own kits and watch them grow up in the ranks of their clan alongside their cousins.

Does Cloudwing share this dream? He wondered. He shook his head. I'm a mentor now. I need to stop thinking about her. Suddenly he spotted the young she cat padding across the clearing with Fernshade.

Stormspot's gaze focused on her. Her snow-white pelt was glowing in the light of the sunset; her bright blue eyes sparkled. Her sleek, glossy fur framed her lithe body. She's so beautiful.

Stormspot shook his head, bringing him out of his thoughts. He looked over just in time to see Cloudwing and Fernshade disappear into the nursery. He smiled to himself  just as Fireclaw padded over to him.

"Hello, Fireclaw." He greeted the ginger warrior. "Fernshade just told me the good news. Congratulations."

"Thank you." Fireclaw mewed. "I couldn't believe it when she told me. I can't believe I'm going to be a father."

Stormspot let out a purr of amusement at his friend's excitement. "Just take care of my sister."

"Don't worry I will. I promise." Fireclaw meowed, padding into the warriors' den.

Stormspot, finally alone to rest, padded to the warriors' den. He looked back and let his gaze sweep across the clearing. All of his clanmates were at one place in the camp or another, speaking to one another with excited looks and happy mews. Stormspot guessed Fernshade's news had already been shared with every cat in the clan.

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